Whitelisting Mg....

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Senlac_Hill, Aug 11, 2018.

  1. Senlac_Hill

    Senlac_Hill Private E-2

    Ok.... MajorGeeks is Whitelisted and has been... But I keep getting the messages about it NOT being so !!! I RE-Whitelist the site and it is good for the session. Then coming back later it is not, once again... ??? I have re-installed AdBlock Plus and such to no change.... Thanks for any help ahead of time !!!
  2. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Are you deleting cookies?
  3. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I have a similar problem.
    Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest keep unblocking themselves in Avast Online Security.
  4. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Doesn't Avast, like several other suites, intercept/interfere with secure connections? Try disabling the browser plugin/whatever that does that. Also try to ensure that Avast isn't blocking the cookies that should confirm you've whitelisted.
  5. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I'm not sure what's going on.
    Here's a screenshot of what Avast Online Security does. As an example I have unchecked Block social networks by default. That allows one to block individual sites like Facebook, and allow sites like Disqus. I have not deleted cookies for more than a week and yet these networks keep unblocking themselves every time I return to the main site.

  6. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I'd remove the three check marks in the tracking subsection initially, if that works, enable and test the three individually.
  7. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I've done that.
    Everything works as always except for the Social Networks that re-allow themselves when I re-open Firefox.
  8. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    In Firefox, try allowing 3rd party cookies but only from visited (assuming you never directly visit those Social sites), and keep until I close Firefox (or don't clear cookies)?
  9. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I allow Firefox to keep all cookies. Every 2 weeks I clear the cookies with CCleaner, however I keep those from sites I frequently visit. Also, my Facebook account has been deactivated for about 6 months, and I don't have Twitter & Pinterest accounts.
    I wonder if this has perhaps something to do with updating Avast Online Security on 7 August 2018?
  10. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Yes, at this stage it looks like it must be some Avast setting or change that's making the difference.
  11. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Senlac_Hill, sorry for taking over the thread.
    I thought our issues might be related. :)
    satrow likes this.
  12. StruldBrug

    StruldBrug Sergeant

    @Senlac Hill Are you using NoScript?
  13. Senlac_Hill

    Senlac_Hill Private E-2

    Not a Problem .. Lol....
  14. Senlac_Hill

    Senlac_Hill Private E-2

    No I'm not........ And it still does it, I'll whitelist MG on ABP, and it will block them for the session, then upon leaving and comeing back, it's unblocked. I even tried to kill the cookies.
  15. Bugballou

    Bugballou MajorGeek

    Good to see the site stays secure with tracking protection turned off. I would guess no third party ads are shown. Shame what the advertisers and censors are doing to our internet. I will admit I usually refresh the page, but it seems someone out there feels our pain after all.

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