Why does HDMI never work with Microsoft?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Atlantic44, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    I have 3 laptops, and every-time I connect an RGB cable(plus AUX cable) to one of my TVs everything works fine.

    But every-time I have tried to use an HDMI cable, the screen is Way too big and the quality is not the best.

    I only have monitor #2(my TV) on and there are 2 resolution options, but both do not fit.

    I have never had a problem with an RGB setup and all my other devices(Apple TV, X1 DVR, Roku, PS3) have never had a problem with HDMI.
    But all my computers do! :(

    Why is this?
    Is there a way to fix the resolution?

    Thank you.
  2. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Upgrade your video drivers.

    I've yet to not have HDMI work.
  3. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    I tried to update my display driver from the intel website and slim drivers. But both showed the same error.

    I did find that if I set my resolution to the lower option(1280x720) then I could adjust the scaling.
    So I lowered the Horizontal and Vertical to 44 so it would fit, but it does look look good.

    As you can see here the pixels don't quite line up.

    Also the picture is not centered so there is about an 8th of an inch gap on the right and bottom of the TV.

    It probably won't matter much if I'm watching video on it and sitting far away but it does bug me :/
  4. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    That is an issue with the Flat Screen, not the GPU. If you are able to turn Overscan off on the Flat Screen, try that. It helps to know the mfg & model of the flatscreen.

    You can search through avsforum.com, regarding this exact subject. Some GPU's Control software, allow you to correct for the Overscanning on a Flat Screen, But they are doing trickery with Sub-Pixel's and scanning rate through software on the computer side.

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