Why Doesn't Instagram Let Me Follow Anyone?

Discussion in 'Smartphones and Tablets - Software' started by michael robinson, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    Why doesn't instagram let me follow anyone?
    When I try to follow them it just reverts back to the blue button. Why is it doing this?
  2. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    Will this be the issues because my android phone is rooted or no ?
  3. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

  4. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    o_O Bumping your own thread (posting several times in sequence or repeatedly to bring attention), is bad forum etiquette and frowned upon everywhere.
  5. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    Ok sorry.
  6. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    Are you 100% sure that you are properly logged in to an Instagram account of your own? You can only follow someone if you are logged in.
    Imandy Mann likes this.
  7. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    QUOTE="MaxTurner, post: 1978307, member: 501493"]Are you 100% sure that you are properly logged in to an Instagram account of your own? You can only follow someone if you are logged in.[/QUOTE]
    Yes I am login when i press the follow button on someone instagram profile the button change back to follow again here is a video of my issues I am having
  8. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    I think instagram block me for following people back or i pass the instagram follower limit.
  9. Gaming Insider

    Gaming Insider Private First Class

    Hey Michael, not being able to follow people on Instagram is probably a result of one of the following

    Why won't Instagram let me follow people?

    Mainly such a problem occurs due to one of the following reasons:

    1. You’ve reached 7500 limit and just can’t follow more. Unfollow somebody - choose those accounts that you’ve began following older and do not care for.​

    2. You’ve been following way too much people way too quickly - that may be recognized by Instagram as a potential fraud indicating you are ‘mass-following’ with some shady software. Then it’s a temporary ban. You may expect some mail from Instagram regarding it.​
  10. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    I have 7500 Following and have 3719 Followers .
  11. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    How do i follow more people if i have pass the instagram follow limit ?
  12. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    See item #1 in post #9.
  13. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    I will just make a new one and keep the old one .
  14. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Be careful... if Instagram finds out, you might have both accounts suspended. :eek:
  15. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    Will they be the issues or not because i have 3719 followers and have 7499 followings ?
  16. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Two accounts is what I'm referring to.
  17. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    how do some user on instagram still can follow user if they pass the follow limited some people still can follow people if they have 1K followers ?
  18. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    If you're sure about this then check with Instagram.
  19. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    How do i contact them .
  20. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

  21. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

  22. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    Will a instagram api robot work to get more followers and followings ?
  23. Gaming Insider

    Gaming Insider Private First Class

    No, an API robot will not work and likely get you banned from Instagram. Please read the following. You can have as many people following you as you like. The 7,500 follow limit only applies to you.

    I'm getting the message "Error: You can't follow anymore people."

    In order to reduce spam, Instagram doesn't allow anyone to follow more than 7,500 people. This helps ensure that people are following our Community Guidelines.

    Anyone who tries to follow more than 7,500 people will get this error message, regardless of how many followers they have. Any accounts that are following more than 7,500 people did so before this change was made.

    Thanks for your support and understanding!

    Source - https://help.instagram.com/512216282236764/?helpref=hc_fnav

    To make things even more unfair, Instagram has set this limitation for new users that haven’t reached 7,500 limit. Users who were following more than 7,500 users can now follow to unlimited number of users without ever reaching any limits.

    There is no way to bypass that limitation and you should be careful to whom you follow. Unless you unfollow less active or bad-picture-sharing users you can’t make your Instagram account more active by adding more users.

    I tried to find if there are other Instagram follow limits and found the following:
    • 150 follows per hour
    • 150 unfollows per hour
    • 150 likes per hour
    • 50 comments per hour
    These limits were set to avoid automated scripts and bots to mass follow and unfollow users to reach greater number of followers. You shouldn’t care about these limits because it is impossible to follow 150 users in one hour unless you are running some automated script.

    Source - http://ubuntulife.net/instagram-follow-limit-you-cant-follow-anymore-people/
    michael robinson and Eldon like this.
  24. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    Ok thank you
  25. ragmacaron

    ragmacaron Private E-2

    Just wait for a few days and Instagram will sort it out, and let you follow anyone again. It's a measure to prevent their servers from clogging up. So don't overdo it. You can't follow more than 7500 people too
  26. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal


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