Why Is Mozilla Firefox So Slow Compared To Microsoft Edge

Discussion in 'Software' started by mark59, Feb 8, 2025.

  1. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    My internet connection is really slow at the moment. It’s like something out of the Steam Age. My ISP gave me a load of BS and the outcome is I’m waiting to be upgraded to fibre in just over a week and a half. I’ve noticed that whilst the internet is slow my preferred browser, Firefox, is really slow. I’ve tried Edge and that is loading a lot quicker and finding and opening websites quicker. Why is Firefox so slow?
  2. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    Try what I did on IE6 buddy .. I made the max connection and max per server 48 and IE6 is as fast as firefox! (I saw someone posting a tip to make FF faster in 2004 on another site I am on by changing the max connections to 48 so I tried it on IE6 since I dont usually have FF and what a difference!!)

    Ya wont believe what the setting was set to on IE6


    Max Connections: 2

    Talk about slow :D

    Goto about:config on FF and goto max connections and max per server and change both to 48 :)

    Good luck!
  3. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

  4. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    Yes I was gonna mention that but I dont think thats his problem..... (I dont think he has it cluttered up)
  5. sexyandy81

    sexyandy81 MajorGeek

    firefox will always be slower than edge and google chrome cos the rendering engine is faster than firefox's
    mark59 likes this.
  6. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    Well when I was on the mac laptop the last month (getting this going again) I adjusted FF to 48 and man it was the same as chrome basically.....

    The only browsers on that laptop Are Safari,FF and Chrome........
  7. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    Thanks for the advice but I don't understand it.
  8. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    dude111 likes this.
  9. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    Thank you! This is exactly what I wanted to know.
  10. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    To whoeve it concerns: I tried Maxwell's tlast link; however, the instructions are wrong/out-of-date. At no 2 FF's menu doesn't have "Options" so I tried "Settings". However, there's no option of "Cached Web Content".
  11. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    I hope ya get it working buddy!!
  12. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

  13. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    I have looked at the links provided by Maxwell and DangitallRedux, and I appreciate they offered them in good faith, and do not know my computer habits, but they are basic computer housekeeping, which I do religiously.

    I have downloaded Speedyfox recommended by Maxwell but I don't think it's made any difference.

    Until four weeks ago my internet was good. I had no issue with it. Several users were connected to it with mutliple devices: computers, smartphones, smart TV and Amazon firestick. My ISP has claimed that I have too much connected but when I ask them to explain why everything was working fine until recently they simply dodge the question. I believe they have deliberately slowed down my internet connection to force me to change to fibre.

    I do not anticipate any improvement to my internet speed until it is upgraded to fibre in one week's time. If that does not resolve the issue there will be hell to pay!
  14. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    I am sorry your going thru this!
  15. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    You are correct: we do not know your maintenance habits, and that is why I, at least, try to offer the basics first. Far too many users know nothing about simple maintenance. Please believe me, no insult was intended.

    There are, of course, other options. Firefox was never really intended to be the fastest browser out there (not as I recall, anyway), but its focus was always more on privacy and security and, while Firefox is my go-to browser for most things, there are times when another is called for and, in that case, I'm getting pretty good results with Brave.

    So, if your switch to fiber doesn't give you the results you hope for, I'd give another browser a whirl. You lose nothing by the attempt, and you just might find something that ends up working better for you.
  16. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    I am not insulted and may be my answer should have been better. What I really needed was alternatives to try. Plus my own knowledge is not any better than those instructions.

    I am now convinced without doubt that my ISP was the cause of all my problems. I believe they deliberately instigated them to get me to upgrade to fibre.

    The engineer came on Wednesday (today is Friday) and installed the fibre broadband. I no longer have any speed issues and my broadband speed is very fast.
  17. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    There really is no substitute for good hardware. I hope it continues to work out for you.
  18. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    I don't see any reason why it shouldn't. My old copper-based broadband worked fine. When I encountered issues a few weeks ago my ISP provider wouldn't give me a straight answer. In the end I told the guy I was talking to that I'm a scientist so pulling the wool over my eyes wasn't going to be any easy task. His answers after that became even more vague and evasive.

    An engineer who works for BT, the biggest telephone network here in the UK, told me that lots of providers are deliberately making their customers copper-based broadband slower so they'll upgrade to fibre. It is obviously a money-making exercise as fibre is more expensive.

    The only good to come out of it is that my broadband speed is now fast and I have to admit it's a lot faster than prior to my problem. The most noticeable change being how fast things now download.

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