Win98se Tower: Parallel Zip100 Drive Stopped Working!

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by HarryPotter, Sep 22, 2024.

  1. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    Hi! My Win98SE Tower at my mother's house's Iomega Parallel Zip100 stopped working a few hours ago. At first I thought it was a device driver incompatibility problem. Then, I realized that it didn't work in Windows mode either. One symptom is that, when I insert a disk, it made a sound that was unusual even for a COD. I might need a new one--maybe two, as I also broke one for a DOS laptop by trying the wrong power supply. Is there any way to see if maybe it's not a hardware problem?
  2. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

    Try on Another System: If possible, connect the Zip drive to another computer with a parallel port to see if it works there. This can help determine if the issue is with the drive or the computer.

    Unusual Sounds: The unusual sound you mentioned could indicate a mechanical failure within the drive. Can you describe what you hear? Does this happen with another disk?
  3. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    I can't quite describe the sound, but it clicked hard twice upon insertion. It happens on every disk. I will try your suggestion now.
  4. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    I got a different error. :(
  5. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private E-2

    It used to be called "The Click of Death", and was one of the reasons why I used the LS120 drive instead of the Zip. The unit is probably toast, but I'm pretty sure I recently saw some on eBay.
  6. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private E-2

    But I missed the main point: a working 98SE machine? I'm jealous.
  7. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek is toast. The last time I was at my mother's house, she bought me a new one, but she at the time didn't have enough money at hand for two. I'm wondering if I should install an IDE one on my Win98SE tower there, and the Parallel one my mother bought can be for my DOS laptop there.
  8. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    Don't be too jealous: it's way high-end but can't do UMBs or EMS under Windows at all, and DOS mode is missing sound. :(
  9. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private E-2

    I just miss 98SE, which was my first OS. I always preferred an internal drive whenever possible and, with my LS120, I also had a USB drive that traveled with me on service calls.

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