WinAmp 5.05 and RealAudio Files

Discussion in 'Software' started by BoredOutOfMyMind, Aug 29, 2004.

  1. BoredOutOfMyMind

    BoredOutOfMyMind Picabo, ICU

    I did the plunge and upgraded to XP Pro. Added 512K memory (max on this board possible) and formatted and installed. Before upgrade, I moved all music files to CD's. I simply copied entire folders to CD from My Shared Music folder. Now I simply plop the disk in the drive and play from there instead of C, until I get around to adding them to the C drive.

    Problem is, some files were RA saved format MP3 and others were WMA saved. I prefer Winamp and used to use it in Win98 for RA streaming and playing from files before. I thought a new dl would work like old 5.0 and play them all. I was wrong. The WMA files seem to play alright, but no possible fix seems for RA. I am also now on dialup instead of Cable, so most streams don't play to even test what I used before for bookmarked stations. (No DSL avail and easier to pay $5.95 for modem than $59 for Cable right now!)

    What is suggested for a plugin or setting to play RA files in WinAmp. These are from CD's that are still packed away.

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