Windows 10/11 Optimization Script Project

Discussion in 'Software' started by Rikey, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Rikey

    Rikey Private E-2

    Henlo !
    I have been working on the script for a long time, collecting, testing and developing various functions that I found from other people as well as based on my knowledge.
    Is anyone willing to rate it, or just give any tips ?

    It's actually working also on Windows 10/11/ 8.1 (and even tested powershell GUI on windows 7+updates ofc).


    Attached Files:

  2. XoXgaming

    XoXgaming Corporal

    I would try it but i don't know what would happen if i used it...

    I all ready use Advance system-care which tweaks the system to my liking...Great thought though.

    You need to go into a little more detail on this stuff on what it does and what it removes or add's.

    Windows 11 does not have as much bloatware as windows ten does.And they made it so it can be removed normally UN-like windows 10 until later versions.

    Like for instance Data-collection option.People need to know what it is disabling.
  3. Rikey

    Rikey Private E-2

    Yes, however windows still have this bloatware and featured/suggested apps/adds if we are talking about bloatware in Windows 11, as for what it does it on github (list and table) and in the code by editing it with notepad are comments in every little change/setup/feature/tweak...

    And YEAH that was just my problem because I wanted to create a script for myself from the beginning and then distributed it and worked on it to be minimally invasive and adapted to all normal users (who tf uses fax nowadays or a smart card in windows) there are a lot of registry, services and powershell ways to slim down the Windows... especially Win 10 and 11 is in progress still (I need to learn more of it, although you don't need to be a genius to know that it's twin similar to windows 10)

    Thanks for the answer ❤️
  4. Rikey

    Rikey Private E-2

    Little Update... Almost all options are available for possible deactivation, which gives you more insight into what the script is doing :D (all updated on github link)

  5. onuracengiz

    onuracengiz Private E-2

    service tweaks?
    and what does it do exactly?
    is it something like Black Viper's service configuration? or based on something similar? what does it change?
  6. Replicator

    Replicator MajorGeek

    See the link in OP's post 1.

    No harm running it in a set-up sandbox....such extensive optimization however, normally leads to issues with software, networking etc.
    Very nice work though it seems!

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