Windows 11 Connected To Internet But Able To Open Only Some Sites - After Update

Discussion in 'Software' started by ivangu, Feb 19, 2025.

  1. ivangu

    ivangu Private E-2

    Windows 11 64bit - computer from a phone case printing machine.
    After update the PC in discussion connects to the router but it cannot connect to the necessary sites to do its job (which can be accessed from other machines) and other sites.
    I cannot remotely connecting to the specific computer. I have AnyDesk installed but traying to connect, it appears to be offline. Even if it is online and the used ID is the correct one.
    I also use Sunlogin Client. Here the problem si even stranger. Opening the application, it is not even able to connect its specific server to receive its ID. It continuously show `trying to connect`.
    In browser (Edge), searching for Internet Speed Test and choosing the first one from the returned list (OOkla) it only shows: "Hmmm... it can't reach this page. is unreachable" and a Refresh button.
    The second option ( works. It can be accessed and displays the internet speed. can also be accessed.
    I tried accessing this site ( but it cannot be accessed.
    I installed WhatsApp desktop on the respective machine and try reading-writing through it...
    I wanted to try another browser but the downloading site for Google Chrome cannot be accessed, neither.
    I tried Settings - System - Troubleshoot - Other troubleshooter - Network ... Nothing has been solved
    Recreated the connection profile of the used WIFI network (this machine can be connected only through internet). Speaking about that, I think I can use a USB ethernet adaptor just to test if something is changed... In fact, I have such a device in my bag and I am going to test it right now.
    OK. Tested and it works as it should!
    At least, I know that the problem is strictly related to WIFI adaptor.
    So, I recreate the network profile (with connection details, credentials etc.), forgetting form the known WIFI networks and connecting at it after that.
    Can you suggest something related to solving of WIFI adaptor problem?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. ivangu

    ivangu Private E-2

    It looks that WIFI of that system is not able to connect IPV4. Only sites able to be connected through IPV6 could be accessed.
    Even if there are laptops connected through the same WIFI network doing it IPV4, I will also restart the router. And the machine, too.
  3. ivangu

    ivangu Private E-2

    After disabling and reenabling the WIFI adaptor (did it before without success) and router restart it connected IPV4 and everything works as it should.
    I do not understand what really happened. Since the problem appears immediately after update, I think it should be related to that process. What happened in the meantime to make it connecting IPV4, I cannot understand. I restarted the machine many times. Maybe, after reenabling the adaptor followed by restart the sistem updated the adaptor driver, or the router reset solved it I do not know on what mechanism. Prior to restart three laptops were connected IPV4 without any connection problem to any site...
    Anyhow, now I cannot test anything related to the reason. But this should be considered a good thing... I have the machine working well. ;)

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