Windows 2003 Server crashes - due to permissions??

Discussion in 'Software' started by Eniac Baudrate, Jul 3, 2006.

  1. Eniac Baudrate

    Eniac Baudrate Private E-2

    Hi! We're running Windows 2003 Server with SP1 and all updates in place. Something is dreadfully wrong and I've found nothing at Microsoft, nor have I found any listings on the internet for anyone else with this problem. It goes like this.

    If *ANY* User/Group other than an adminstrator attempts to rename certain folders and files (our files, not system files), the server crashes (stop error)and reboots.

    Bugcheck String: 0x00000019 (0x00000020, 0x88f46d88, 0x88f46e58, 0x0a1a0003)

    If logged on via network as Administrator, I am able to change the file without a problem?! Does this make it a permission handling item? Could I reinstall a .dll file or another file to fix it? Can I provide more information that would help?

    Thank you!

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