Windows Experience Index for Windows 7 ???

Discussion in 'Software' started by bigbazza, May 7, 2010.

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  1. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Is Windows Experience Index available for Windows 7 in the same way as the WEI is available for Vista in Vista. If so can someone provide the info as to how I can evaluate various W7 laptops against each other.

    I realise that the WEI is only a guide to performance but it can eliminate some duds.

    Thanks in advance .

  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Bazza

    Yes its exactly the same and in the same place as Vista in Control Panel\System and Security\System however the score has changed and 5.9 as it was in Vista as top score is now 7.9, however for that you really need to be running high end hardware and especially for HDD then SSDs instead.

    I would look at what you wish to use the laptop for and then if graphics and gaming are not a major thing, dont worry about a high WEI score for Graphics and Gaming Graphics but look for good CPU, RAM, Disk rate will be close for HDDs as most now are SATA, will only be higher if you get an laptop with a SSD, so HDD score is not a main factor IMHO, just CPU and RAM. Would though still look for a GPU thats a dedicated Ati or Nvidia one, stear clear of Intel or SIS, and make sure it has its own ram and not shared off main ram.

    But depends what you wish to use the laptop for?

    My few years old ACER 5630 running Windows 7 x64 Ultimate comes out at 3.4 which is ok for its age, so you'd want to be looking I would imagine to one around the WEI of 4.0 ish

    CPU is 4.6 for a Core 2 @ 1.66
    2GB ram is 4.6
    geForce Go7300 128MB dedicated is 3.7 (actually runs games ok, not the high end but did run Battlefield 2 alright)
    HDD in a general SATA 2.5" 5400rpm 4.9

    Just a guide on to match or get slightly better WEI.
    Last edited: May 7, 2010
  3. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Thanks Halo. :cool I am a not a real power user with modest needs. I really want to check out the Graphics score on a batch of discontinued models of laptops for sale at a local computer score.

    Most have different graphic card RAM so I'd like to compare.
    All have W7 Home Premium OS and different capacity Hard drives.

    The Salesmen did not know about WEI (surprise surprise :-D ) and the Tech repair guy said he hadn't had time to check it out.

    The sale is this weekend only so thanks for the rapid reply.
    Hope you voted. ;)

  4. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    I checked out 3 discontinued models of laptops for sale at a local computer score.

    Acer EME 525 eMachine around AUD$600 after cashback
    4.9 Processor T3100
    4.9 RAM
    3.4 Graphics
    3.3 Gaming Graphics
    5.7 Hard Drive 320 gigs
    Overall WEI is 3.3

    Toshiba L500/033 Refurbished at AUD$720
    5.5 Processor T4400
    5.5 RAM
    3.4 Graphics (Intel)
    3.3 Gaming Graphics
    5.6 Hard Drive 500 gigs
    Overall WEI is 3.3
    NB: This is a used model but with same warranty.

    Acer Aspire 5741G-334G50Mn at AUD$1097
    6.2 Processor i3 330M
    5.9 RAM 4 gig
    5.1 Graphics Nvidia GT320M
    6.2 Gaming Graphics
    5.9 Hard Drive 500 gigs
    15.6 Screen + numeric keyboard
    802 11 b/g/n
    6 call Li-ion battery
    3MB L3 cache
    Overall WEI is 5.1

    Obviously the Acer is the best option if you can afford the extra $$$
    ؛The refurbished Toshiba is second choice, ahead of the first one listed above, for an extra AUD$120 if you don't mind a "second hand" laptop.

    The point of using WEI is to separate similar priced PC's, as aguide. The ultimate choice is up to you of course.

  5. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    The Acer Aspire 5741G was not a discontinued Model. It is new, I think. :confused :-o

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