Windows Explorer In Windows 10 Not Updating File Changes W/o Refresh

Discussion in 'Software' started by curiouslywritten, Apr 14, 2024.

  1. curiouslywritten

    curiouslywritten Private E-2

    I am getting ready to build myself a new PC but I have never seen this happen consistently before. When I make changes to files such as renaming or moving them to another file, the changes will not reflect until I refresh that particular file. I mostly use OneCommander but I like using Windows Explorer for my photos I edit.

    I have done all the standard maintenance and diagnostic with Glarys and WinTools without any glaring problems. I have seen this happen temporarily in the past but this has become standard for this PC which is an old Dell Optiplex with Windows 10 Pro N and running a i7-3770 with 24GB of RAM. It has started to lag a bit and doesn't perform up to snuff so I have been trading for parts and finally got my last piece. But, I am curious as to a potential cause or fix for this. I have been using Windows since the first release and have never had this become just normal behavior. The specs are not that bad that it should be doing this. I have used much older machines with far more outdated tech and Explorer was able to do basic task like live changes to files.

    Any ideas?

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