Windows Repair New Version(tweaks)

Discussion in 'Software' started by casiasser, Sep 11, 2017.

  1. casiasser

    casiasser Private First Class

    Hello Geeks, is it safe to apply windows repair pro tweaks in windows ten home?I have watched the video on youtube but I don't know please helpo_Oo_O
  2. baklogic

    baklogic The Tinkerer

    Safety ? Always use any tweaking program very carefully.
    If you watch Major Attitude's video, and watch it a few times- Then ensure you follow the general policy- backup ,and only do what you need ,one at a time, then you can help your system.
    It is your decision - If trying it, remember any tweaking can wreck your system, if you do not really know anything about tweaking, then be warned.
  3. isac

    isac Private E-2

    Thanks a lot for that answer:D
  4. EJB

    EJB Corporal

    I used the programme for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I have never used that type of programme before....I go back a long way!
    After watching the video and slavishly ensuring that everything was done correctly I ran it.
    Unfortunately it didn't resolve the few problem niggles my PC had but more of a concern it did cause a few more problems.
    A system restore, after a few days trying to solve the new problems, put me back in charge!
    I do regular back ups but System Restore is so simple!
  5. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    Can you please say what specific problems you were hoping the program would solve, and what problems it left you with after?
  6. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Tweaking.Com Windows Repair doesn't actually 'tweak' your system.
    It repairs/resets services, permissions, etc. to the default.
  7. EJB

    EJB Corporal

    Max, have posted all over the net trying to resolve niggles on one of two identical PCs.
    Started with the Anniversary update worse after the Creators update.
    Resolved to do reinstall or repair install when I have the courage.
    After experiencing every MS OS I am at a loss for the first time, but the PC is perfectly useable which produces frustration:(
    Thanks for asking:)
  8. baklogic

    baklogic The Tinkerer

    Although W10 is very good with drivers, I found that an older laptop that I had had similar problems- I used advanced system care, and its driver program, and it sorted out the registry, and updated the drivers, and it now runs sweetly- could be worth a go.
  9. EJB

    EJB Corporal

    Thanks b....... both PCs built for me April 2014 and the laptop bought new just after that.
    Will let you know if I go that way.
  10. Ewen

    Ewen Corporal

    I would also like to know what specific problems EJB suffered. I use Windows Repair on a regular basis and have never yet suffered a problem with it.
  11. Anon-469e6fb48c

    Anon-469e6fb48c Anonymized

    Iobit driver booster is the way to go in most cases.

    Except AMD and apu and older OS.Can be tricky some times.
  12. EJB

    EJB Corporal

    For info, I was unable to open You Tube videos.....and other minor problems that sadly I didn't document and simply can't remember.
    My initial and ongoing problem/irritant is that the lock screen will not show a slideshow of 'Pictures' when not in use, it only shows images from a single folder. I also have a hesitant!
    Apart from internet forums, two identical PCs with the same/compared settings, a few different mice, different USB ports over a long period of time nothing has resolved those main points.
    I'll back out now:)

    PS. Network connections seem to change at will...only on the one PC!
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
  13. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I doubt the problems have anything to do with Tweaking.Com Windows Repair.
  14. EJB

    EJB Corporal

    You are perfectly correct Eldon....only the YouTube aspect was down to the repair programme and a system restore corrected it.:)

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