Windows won't boot after hard drive swap

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by coleProtocol, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. coleProtocol

    coleProtocol Private E-2

    I recently took my hard drive to another house to sync it with another hard drive (unsuccessfully, but that's not the point), and when I brought it back and hooked it up, I got a message with a blue background at the time that Windows (XP Home) would usually start to start up (would that be considered a BSOD...?). This is what it said:

    I've tried rearranging multiple cords, starting in safe mode (normally, with command prompt and with networking), and of course tried using the last known good configuration, but they all brought me back to the same screen. I formatted and reinstalled Windows on this hard drive while it was away on another computer, and it worked fine. Any help is appreciated.
  2. ~Pyrate~

    ~Pyrate~ MajorGeek

    when you install windows XP on one computer you cannot use it for any other other computer than that which you installed it on ... maybe when you synced it, you inadventantly talored the HDD to your friends setup .. but uh .. if it's working fine .. then what's the problem?
  3. criminelis

    criminelis Corporal

    Yeah what's the deal?

    Or do you want to sync it again?

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