Wireless connection & Mapped Drives

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by BJData, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. BJData

    BJData Private E-2

    Hi Networkers

    I am receiving a warning (error) message when entering my Desktop (WinXP Home) at bootup saying "Could not Reconnect All Network Drives" (start of sequence) and the network symbol in the tray is crossed. I think this is "start-up order" problem because the wireless gets initiated towards the end of the start-up process.
    Is there anyway of changing the order?
    Note: at the end of the sequence my drives (network folders are connected).

    Setup : Laptop-->wireless link-->D-link ADSLRouter-->HP MediaVault
    Mapped Drives Y:Fileshare Z:Mediashare

  2. nitecrawler

    nitecrawler Guest

    Open My Network Places, click tools, click Map Network Drive, choose the drive and make sure Reconnect at Logon is checked.


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