Xp Computer Not Finding Network Or Internet

Discussion in 'Software' started by Gerry Peters, Nov 1, 2024.

  1. Gerry Peters

    Gerry Peters Private E-2

    I have an old computer that used to have XP, during the years I upgraded to Win 7 and Win 10. This is an old computer and I need it to use XP because of some old SCSI hardware. I have lots of image files, so I found one from 2010 with XP and I restored that to my C drive.

    I haven't had a problem with it connecting to my home network and the internet, but now it's not finding the internet or my local network. I have 3 computers wired together with LAN. The same LAN connection worked fine yesterday with WIN 10. Under Network Places Workgroup, I don't see the other computers.

    When it tries to connect to my ATT Internet modem, it keeps dialing instead of connecting to the broadband in the usual way. It keeps saying redialing. It's using WAN MINIPORT PPPOE, and after trying to connect gets an ERROR 678. I'm sure I'm using the correct network user name and password. I just double checked it on my phone.
  2. harmless

    harmless Staff Sergeant

    if it is working one day, then suddenly stops, and starts using a different port for the network,
    i would think the network card stopped working. also check to make sure all computers use
    the same windows workgroup name, and it is using DHCP.
    no other ideas at the moment, good luck with it.
  3. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Is the ethernet adapter is installed correctly? Look in Device Manager. What IP is the adapter getting when plugged into the network? Open CMD and run ipconfig /all
    You have broadband - DSL, fiber? Does every device "dial in"? Seems like the default connection might be dial up? (Back in the day IE would attempt to launch your default connection, if it was dial up, it would try dialing in after you launched it.) Broadband or an "always on connection" doers not do this, unless it is some old weird DSL, maybe? The connection can be changed in Control Panel.

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