Y i don't hve prevelage to post or ask in Majorgeeks.Com - Support Forums

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by audreybrayden, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. audreybrayden

    audreybrayden Private E-2

    Hi i have just joined the major geeks i find that i can only access the thread in Majorgeeks.Com - Support Forums and couldn't take part in the conversations. I understand that it is to prevent spammers but how do i take part ??????????? :confused
  2. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Depending on where your trying to post you may not be allowed. Malware forum is limited to only a few select trained individuals as far as replying to other peoples threads. You can start your own threat in that section and reply to that if you have issues. Other then that you should be ok to post as you did here.
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    The Malware forum is special in that you have to be an authorised user to post into this section, or a very capable user in removing malware*.

    Reason we changed the policy of anyone replying to malware questions was that it became a mess/confusing when multiple users posted their advice and a fair amount of it was wrong and could have made matters worse. Which is why as you will agree its best to have continuity in helping someone remove malware from their PC.

    So only the thread originating member and an authorised malware expert here can answer the threads/questions in the malware forum, if you have a malware issue then do please start your own thread and if its malware removal then follow this READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide before posting a new thread.

    Becoming A Malware Forum Helper

    *Is determined by our resident specialist Chaslang and after a series of tests to judge your skills.
  4. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    Don't sugar-coat it, David... you know chas gives "Pop Quizzes" at the drop of a hat! roflmao
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Thought I would skip over that bit to get another lamb to the malware-slaughter ;)

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