Chrome For Win 7 Not Working Properly

Discussion in 'Software' started by Sam1911, Aug 5, 2017.

  1. Sam1911

    Sam1911 Private E-2

    Hi all.

    My Chrome for my Dell Latitude e6410 running Win 7 has been malfunctioning. It's happened to my machine, and my teen's identical machine. Whenever I go to certain websites, it produces a screen of random characters -- random letters, dashes, question marks in black diamonds. It happens with,, YouTube, and whenever I search from the address bar.

    I ran an Avast virus scan, and it found nothing. I also uninstalled Chrome and reinstalled it, twice, and that didn't fix the problem either. Whenever I go to those websites with IE, they work just fine.

    Is there some setting I need to change? Or does anyone have any other suggestions for me? Thanks in advance.
  2. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    Sam1911 likes this.
  3. Sam1911

    Sam1911 Private E-2

    Well, good news! That fixed Google and also searching from the address bar. Thank you!

    Bad news: Amazon and YouTube still are messed up.

    That's on my machine. I'm off to try my kid's machine now.
  4. Sam1911

    Sam1911 Private E-2

    Well, scratch that. My teen's works fine, except that it still makes the gobbledy-gook on the New Tab. But Google, searching, Amazon, YouTube all work for hers.

    Mine however is not working again. Google, searching, Amazon, YouTube, New Tab -- none of them work. :(
  5. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    There is a possibility that on your system there is either further malware, or other security software or browser add ons causing this problem.
    Running Avast alone for malware is not sufficient.
    If you don't already have it, I suggest you download and install the FREE version of Malware Bytes, update its definitions after install, then run a full THREAT scan. Delete all found, then RESTART the system.
    If that doesn't fix it fully, you will now have to head over to the other forum:
    Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)
    When there click on the link at the top:
    Read & Run Me First Malware Removal Guide
    You will then need to complete each step for your Operating System and post all the scan log text documents in a new thread in that forum (not here).
    A specialist will then help you further.
    Sam1911 likes this.
  6. Sam1911

    Sam1911 Private E-2

    Thank you. I just downloaded Malware Bytes, updated it, ran a full threat scan, and restarted the system.

    MB didn't find anything, and the problem still persists.
  7. Dave E

    Dave E Private E-2

    Can you try another browser, to see if this problem still occurs?
    Sam1911 likes this.
  8. EJB

    EJB Corporal

    He says IE is fine in first post!
    Sam1911 likes this.
  9. Anon-469e6fb48c

    Anon-469e6fb48c Anonymized

    Sam1911 likes this.
  10. Sam1911

    Sam1911 Private E-2

    Yes, IE works fine.

    Wile E Coyote, thank you for the suggestion of Cyberfox. I just downloaded and ran it. Everything works perfectly with it. So I think this is definitely a Chrome issue. I could just use Cyberfox, I suppose, but I'd also kind of like to get to the bottom of WHY Chrome is being weird. Our desktop machine and my other kid's machine (which is also a Dell Latitude e6410) are having no problems with Chrome, but they're running Win 10. All of them have the same software for the most part; I don't believe there is anything on my machine or the one machine that isn't on one of the others.

    I did find this on the Chrome help forum; this is what mine is doing. It seems this is a known issue.!topic/chrome/xDyZOSZocAM;context-place=forum/chrome I'm working through the solutions in the video in hopes that one of them fixes it.
  11. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

  12. Anon-469e6fb48c

    Anon-469e6fb48c Anonymized

    So there is a new issue that is out with chrome so i would switch the web browser till its fixed.

    I would all so fully uninstall Chrome.

    Use the powerful Scan options and make sure you shred files files that go with chome.This will help clear most files and folders for chrome.
    Sam1911 likes this.
  13. Sam1911

    Sam1911 Private E-2

    Good to know -- thanks!

    Wile E Coyote -- thank you. I just might start using Cyberfox for a while until Google gets their act together with Chrome.

    I also found this link on the Chrome forum:!topic/chrome/rcLBaKmJtB8;context-place=forum/chrome They mention the video as well, but someone else suggested disabling the Brotli Content-Encoding flag. I did that, and at least on my machine (haven't tried my teen's yet), it seems to have fixed everything except for the New Tab. Strange.

    Thank you all for your help! You've been fantastic to us over the years!
  14. Anon-469e6fb48c

    Anon-469e6fb48c Anonymized

    Just give a month for a new role out update to see if it's fixed.
    Sam1911 likes this.
  15. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

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  16. Sam1911

    Sam1911 Private E-2

    Well, it definitely seems that the Brotli thing was the fix. Both my computer and my teen's have been working fine for the last several days. A friend mentioned having the same problem, and my answer fixed it for her too, so hopefully Google will make the fix known.

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