64 bit Motherboard Compatability

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by finalmastr, Nov 5, 2005.

  1. finalmastr

    finalmastr Private E-2

    Why does my M985G 64bit MoBo not recognize my 32bit pci cards? I thought they could use either or?? I have the WindowsXP Pro 64bit, 1g ram, 160g HD.

    Someone PLEASE HELP ME. It won't even recognize my Radeon 9800 video card!
  2. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Are you using 64 bit drivers? The motherboard itself is not 64bit.
  3. finalmastr

    finalmastr Private E-2

    i think so, when I load the pci card it tells me that either the drivers are wrong, or the card does not support 64 bit
  4. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Well, lets take a specific piece of hardware, namely the video card.

    Where did you get the drivers?
  5. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    The OS is what doesn't recognize em- what OS do you have loaded?
  6. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    From the first post.
  7. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    Dur, then being wxp64, not all drivers support WXP 64, there are some special made drivers for the OS released mainly by big named companies like Creative, Nvidia etc... If your product doesn't have 64bit drivers chances are that it wont work properly with XP64.
  8. finalmastr

    finalmastr Private E-2

    I have WinXP Pro 64 bit. My Video card may be broken, b/c there is an extra little piece that is floating around in the static bag, but the DVR cards I'm trying to put in say they are not 64 bit compatible.
  9. finalmastr

    finalmastr Private E-2

    so I need to go to the manufacturer and get 64bit drivers right? then assign them to the cards?

    Norton 2006 tells me the same thing. I guess I need drivers for it too, but it won't let me install it so how can I assign drivers??
  10. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    Norton 2006 isnt a hardware piece, therfore it doesn't utilize drivers; the only way to make it work in a 64bit enviroment is if its compatible with it; check the norton website for possible beta software. Not sure what you mean bout little piece floating around in a static bag.
  11. finalmastr

    finalmastr Private E-2

    oh ok, thanks for the Norton advise. the little piece looks as though it came un-soldered from the vid card during shipment (probably why my pc doesn't even acknowedge the card when I put it in).

    so, if I can't find 64bit drivers for my DVR cards....then, I'm kinda screwed huh? what would I have to do/replace in order to use the cards? new OS, MOBO?

    sorry for being kind of a newb, this isn't exactly my area of expertise.

    note: system also has Hyper Threading tech.

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