bottleneck on my PC?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by fiver22, Oct 31, 2004.

  1. fiver22

    fiver22 Sergeant

    I've got a p4 1.8 with a Geforce TI4600. -Am I right in assuming that a faster processor would *greatly* improve the 'smoothness' of my games? I've got a gig of ddr ram and my HDD is 7200rpm. -More specs in my signature. -So is my VidCard *more* than my procesor can handle? -Would I have 'as good' video results with a lower-end vid-card considering my processor speed? -if so: what minimum processor speed would I need to fully take advantage of my video-card?
    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    I couldn't say what your system bottleneck is from here, I'd need to run some benchmarks with other hardware (swap vid cards, ram, cpu, perhaps even mobo).

    You would benefit from a faster CPU. A new video card would probably ease a bottleneck on the video system, only to shift it to the CPU. So, I would go for a new CPU, leave the bottleneck on the video and then upgrade the video.
  3. ozorowsky

    ozorowsky Corporal

    correct me if I'm wrong, but you want to run the highest end video card you can afford. ALWAYS. Also, increasing your processor AND motherboard with a faster FSB will speed up load time of your computer. I haven't found anything that will speed up loading of games and stuff yet. But I upgraded my video card first, noticed a MAJOR improvement. THen, upgraded my ram, another nice improvement, upgraded motherboard/processor and noticed a slight improvement. LOad time of windows is now a lot faster, but games don't load really any faster, but they sure play smooth.
  4. fiver22

    fiver22 Sergeant

    So is there no 'quick and easy answer' to the question: "is a p4 1.8 too slow to take advantage of a GeForce TI4600?" I mean, I know that there are better video cards out there right now -but would it make any sense for me to upgarde my video-card before I updated my CPU?
    Sorry if I'm over simplifying things.
  5. ozorowsky

    ozorowsky Corporal

    yes, from what I have found, Just bought a Geforce FX5900 and I am VERY pleased. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

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