Chorus Daemon

Discussion in 'Software' started by laurieB, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    zone alarm keeps telling me that 'chorus daemon' wants to access the net.
    dont know what it is or what it does. so far i just keep 'denying'
    this is the info i get:
    destination ip 4.224.DNS
    c:\Program Files\Verizon online\Support center\bin
    what do i do???
  2. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    what storta bloody name is 'Chorus Daemon" anyhow? what sorta stupid guessing game is this? where are the clues? where are the rules? .......................:( aloha
  3. CaNoFzOo

    CaNoFzOo Sergeant Major

  4. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    thanx canofzoo. i went to the domain 'finder' page that it recommends but it couldn't find that ip address. so i still don't know. the advice to keep denying it until you are presented with a problem seems sound enough for now. i still need to know what to do, should a problem arise. much aloha
  5. CaNoFzOo

    CaNoFzOo Sergeant Major

    I'll try to look for more websites regarding Chorus Daemon. If I find anything i'll let you know.
  6. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    thanx babe
  7. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

  8. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    read all that, just playing, and I'm none the wiser. if its harmless or even benevolent, why is it so difficult to get information about it? mine appears to be something that verizon has installed but what does it want to access the Internet FOR? i don't like it.
    :( aloha
  9. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    Call Verizon and ask them for an explanation. They owe you that. I'd permanently deny it,.
  10. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    i rang verizon, they said it was spyware. i ran a search of my files, couldn't find it to delete it. went back to the log in zone alarm, got the following info. destination ip 4.22.4:53 , destination DNS went there and it says don't know how to delete it. still don't know what to do with it. went to address listed and it says its an information center. don't know if should have actually gone there or whether Ive opened my puter up to something by doing so. HELP confused :( aloha Laurie
  11. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    what is more worrying is zone alarm lists as blocked the outgoing attempt when it was coming from 'mad.exe' but does not list any action for Motive chorus daemon. there are 50 attempts from these in the last 7hrs. the mad.exe programs are listed as 'program access' and the motive chorus ones are listed as 'repeat programs' except one within the time ive been trying to open them, which is listed as 'new'. i am not getting upwaqrds of 50 alerts a day, so does that mean some are getting through? they have the same ip's and DNS's. someone please go 'la la' and tell me what to do.... please. aloha
  12. CaNoFzOo

    CaNoFzOo Sergeant Major

    Just curious LaurieB, but how did you find out it was from ?

    I looked for more sites on Chorus Daemon but I found none that would help you, or that would explain the problem. I'll keep my eyes open for some :)
  13. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    the destination DNS is listed as i put that on google and thats what it came up with.
  14. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    there is something called motive communications. its a shareware thing. there are also various references to mad.exe chorus daemon, and a WinSite: mobileAdmin (MAD).

    this is all so surrealistic. is someone pulling my leg? aloha
  15. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    well my puter ended up going crazy last night. in the hidden files under mad.exe. there is a page of files referring to motive communications under verizon support center bin. there is another page of similar files under HP hpis\bin. when i tried to open them something clicked on in my puter, the number of outgoing calls or attempts. increased dramatically. i shut down, rebooted back 4days (which was as far as i could go) cleaned and ran all virus checks. all the checks came up clean including house call and shields up. i checked my disc space as well but all appears well. as soon as i shut down it quietened down again., and has now gone back to blocking umpteen incoming calls. it has attempted twice to phone out in the last hour, but before i shut down last night it was ringing ten to the dozen. i cont believe nobody knows what this is or what it does, or how to get rid of it. it appears to be in the software from HP and verizon. verion is denying all knowledge of it. i will ring HP and MS security today and see if they know anything. i will keep you posted with the results. aloha and good morning everyone. laurie
  16. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek rang MS....after some searching they said it was part of 'blueyonder'. i said id never downloaded it but they seamed to think it was a legit programme that probably had something to do with AntiVir. they helped me delete the 'mad' files and also the motive browser files. i told them the AntiVir was installed before i got dsl, so why would the program be in a verizon 'bin' file and an HP 'bin' file. they didn't know and said it might be part of the start up that was installed with the machine. i just looked up 'blueyonder on the web...and immediately under the co. web site is the link to 'weapons of mass destruction' google i feel lucky. this site was posted up by Debbie on the 1st of July. the day before i changed to dsl. i don't know if it was downloaded with that link but it all seems very suspicious to me. can someone tell me what a 'bin' file is, and what its supposed to do? thanx and aloha
  17. David983es

    David983es Private First Class

    Check this out on mad.exe.

    Check out here and here

    On the last one, you have to go down the page quite a bit but it gets explained.
    Edit: You were posting while I was posting. It is used for Online trouble shooting by what would seem to be various providers and such.
  18. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    nobody will admit to knowing anything about motive. verizon categorically denies any involvement with motive, so does MS, so does HP.

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