Error message: Windows will not start

Discussion in 'Software' started by NGazzara, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. NGazzara

    NGazzara Private E-2

    Good morning,

    I received an error message: system32\config\system missing.
    I am operating with Windows XP. Everything I read says I need the XP disc. I don't have the disc.

    Is there any other way to to fix this error?

    Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance,
  2. NGazzara

    NGazzara Private E-2

    Hello again,
    In an effort to save time like to add this to the previous message. If I have to buy a new XP disc, do I buy a full service with the service pack three, or do I buy a repair and recovery disk?

    Thanks again,
  3. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

    Last edited: Oct 11, 2015
  4. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    If you are going to buy a Windows XP disc, buy Windows XP Professional SP3.
  5. NGazzara

    NGazzara Private E-2

    Thank you. I don't have any disks at all. Computer was given to me by my old employer and our tech guy installed a new one terabyte hard drive and Microsoft office seven. That was in December of 2011.

    If I buy a new disc, what will happen to all my information. I unfortunately did not back up.
  6. NGazzara

    NGazzara Private E-2

    Hi Maxwell, I tried the link to Help 2 go but unfortunately that didn't work. So I'm guessing I need to buy the windows XP professional Sp3. I saw it on eBay for $69.99. Do you think I can get it less expensive elsewhere?
  7. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Examined a file I downloaded which creates an XP CD for the Recovery Console.
    Unfortunately, you have to download something from MS to use this.
    I need to test further to see if what I previously posted is still possible.
  8. NGazzara

    NGazzara Private E-2

    Can I download this from another computer and use it to repair mine
  9. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    If you are asking me. No. There is a set of 6 floppy XP repair disks. You would not have them on your computer.
    Someone has made a program to turn the 6 floppies into a CD But you still need to download something from MS, change the title of what you've downloaded and burn it to a CD.

    Does your XP computer have a floppy drive?

    In the meantime, here are some things you might be able to try
  10. NGazzara

    NGazzara Private E-2

    Thank you so much for all of your help. I am going to bring the tower to a technician in my area tomorrow. He is recommended by a friend. He will get it up and running with the XP Pro disc. Unless there are other complications, I can take it from there and may need your help in the process.
    In the meantime, I have saved all of your instructions for future use.
    Thank you again,
  11. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Smart move rather than buying an XP disk let a tech use his to repair your computer.
  12. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

    Just for reference, XP is no longer supported by Microsoft. I can't recommend upgrading your OS enough (if your machine will support it), and having a solid antivirus along with another program like Malwarebytes.

    Frankly, and this is not to frighten you, but XP is a dead horse and still using it can put you at risk unless you hack your registry (technically illegal) to obtain updates from Microsoft. Even the fabled "Service Pack 4" is only the POS system and ATM updates. They are still updating POS systems and ATMs which run on XP. That being said, those updates are for intranet based machines operating behind a firewall. SO, this means, yet again, use at your own risk...
  13. NGazzara

    NGazzara Private E-2

    I understand. The only reason I hung onto XP this long is because I use outdated Adobe Photoshop & illustrator. They don't seem to work with updated operating systems. Unfortunately it's not a good time for me to upgrade those programs. However I realize that it has become a necessity.

    Thank you for your input
  14. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

    You can still run those old programs by running XP on a newer machine. It's called a "virtual machine" and you can run XP inside of a later OS.

    There is also "compatibility mode" which allows Windows 7 and later operating systems to emulate older operating systems.
  15. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Easier to just pull the old computer off the internet and work with the programs. We do this on our Windows 2000 and XP computers.

    Then buy something to surf safely on whether it is a desktop, tablet or phone.
  16. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

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