
Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by LauraR, May 18, 2007.

  1. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    So I love to garden.

    Right this minute, I am watching 2 rabbits in my backyard. Some people may say awww at hearing that. I hate the little things. They come in and eat my plants. I spray and keeps the deer away but the damn rabbits still keep coming. I even tried to set a humane trap last year...ya know, catch em and take them somewhere else. They would eat the bait and somehow not get caught. :cry

    Anyone here like to garden? If you do.. have any pictures you want to share?
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member


    I guess there aren't too many Geek gardeners out there.

    How 'bout hunters? I've got rabbits. ;)
  3. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    I can come over with my 30-06 and help you with your rabbit and deer problem ;)

    My husband loves his garden, but tlet's just clarify one thing here. In the US when we say "Garden" we mean the vegetable growing area, not the pretty flowers and shrubs, as in the UK.

    We grow huge 10feet tomato plants - beef, regular, cherry and roma; corn, bush beans, zuchinni, carrots, various bell peppers, cucumber - regular and lemon; pumpkins, potatoes, and sunflowers - those are grown around the whole perimeter to keep the squirrels content so they leave the veggies alone.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2007
  4. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    You shoot them, you can do any damn thing you want to with em.;) and lmao...what makes a garden not appropriate??

    LOL...Lev, I live in the US...mine are all pretty flowers and shrubs. Wow, on your corn and all your stuff! Do you have a farm? I'm assuming a 30-06 is a can come over and shoot to your hearts content too. To think I actually liked deer and rabbit before moving here.:p
  5. Shadowchaser

    Shadowchaser A Really Great Guy

    couple of things here LauraR, first of all, what are you spraying to keep rabbits away? Second, if you are able to, go to the nearest hunting supply store and get some fox urine, spread that around the perimeter of your garden, this may or may not help. You may also try various decoys including some life-like snake toys (larger the better). The rabbits won't know the difference and they won't come up to them to find out! Of course you could always get a few bull snakes (harmless to humans and great for ridding your place of common pests) and let them loose in the garden/backyard.

    Abz1nthe: You really don't want to mess with spring rabbits or squirrels. This is mainly due to the possibility of contracting "Rabbit Fever" (aka Tularemia). Grandpappy always said not to eat spring rabbit or squirrel unless they were home raised. The culprit that causes rabbit fever is quite often a tick but it can be transferred through undercooked food. Just a word of caution there.

    Lev: Darlin' a 30-06 won't leave much rabbit for Abs1nthe to eat (big grin). Remind me not to go poaching any veggies from YOUR garden hon!

  6. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    @Wraith...... LOL I know....I wasn't planning on planting a nice hole in the wabbit as I don't like wabbit meat ;), we don't have a farm. Just a large backyard so we turned a third of it over to vegetables :) Yes a 30-06 is a high-powered rifle, and with our deer and elk hunting, together with fishing and our own veggies, we get pretty self-sufficient for a lot of the year.
  7. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Let's just say me=slow this morning. :D For some reason, it came to me what you were talking about while i was driving my car. doh

    Wraith...I think I'll skip the snake suggestion:eek and try the urine. I'm using liquid works fine for the deer, but the friggin rabbits are immune.

    At this point for some reason I'm picturing a bunch of Elmer Fudds huntin for wabbit. Of course he's got on an MG teeshirt. :D
  8. BCGray

    BCGray Guest

    LauraR a great defence against your little Bunnies as well as other little critters is good "Old Fashion Moth Balls", sprinkle them around the edge of your garden and the varmints stay away, doesn't work for Deer or larger critters just Cat size critters. They hate the smell, now if there just passing through, usually one application is all that is needed. The side bonus is it doesn't kill anything. Hope that helps
  9. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    OOoooo....nice pics Mankind. :) I'll try to take some of mine too and post.

    @BCGray....moth balls? Yeah? Can I put them under the mulch or do they need to be out. I may try the fox urine too.
  10. BCGray

    BCGray Guest

    They need to be out/exposed so there vapours are released.............Fox Urine!!!! so the rabbits are not causing enough trouble you want all the local dogs digging in your gardenLOL. I have never heard anyone have good luck with Urine, Hair, Bone Meal or any of the other stuff you hear. Seems like strong offensive smells, Loud varying Noises, Random Flashing Lights seems to be the ones that always work, that or "Roof Top" gardening:D
  11. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Alrighty then...lmao...not trying the fox urine. Ah well, I'll figure something out. Thanks for the suggestions.
  12. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Cheetah manure??? Thinking I'll pass on that. LOL

    Looks good. :) I have a bunch of the one perennial you have there on the left of the pic...I can't remember the name...something bells maybe? All those petunias you have...they'd be gone in a day in my yard...the blasted rabbits love em.

    I need to get out and take some pictures.
  13. BCGray

    BCGray Guest

    Me thinks you have toooooo many Anal thoughts on your mind MK, because I hope your seedlings aren't "Pooping" up, but instead are popping uproflmaoroflmao..........Sorry Bro but I just had to comment, great garden sans the "Poop":D
  14. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    lmao! I missed that. It was the talk of cheetah manure. ;)

    K...some pics....



    My mother's day gift from my husband. Should I be offended?? He bought me the "Gnome of nasty":p :

    And here is the @%&*@#$% rabbit!!! It was out there today when I took the pictures. It literally let me get friggin 5 ft from it! How do you fight that? It's evil, I tell you. :

  15. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Lovely garden LauraR. Understand your angst. Tried this out for deers and rabbits? Apparently it's guaranteed (money back).

    Cheers and Good Luck!

  16. BCGray

    BCGray Guest

    Hey LauraR just what the heck did your Hubby do to turn My "Uncle Frank" into a Stone Statue.LOL You guys had better treat him right, or the Bunnies will be the least of your problems...............Come on fellow Gnomes its LauraR's garden for a Raid tonight, oh yea and bring the "Rabbit Stewing Pot" tooroflmaoroflmao

    Nice Garden Laura
  17. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    LOL We caught 'Uncle Frank' aiding and abetting the evil rabbits. He better behave himself from now on.;)

    Thanks for the suggestion LS. I'm heading out today to look for stuff.
  18. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    The grass is my hubby's thing so he gets to mow. As far as popping the rabbit, lets just say I've offered up my yard for some hunting. ;)
  19. Bugballou

    Bugballou MajorGeek

    I've heard mothballs work... wouldn't put them too close to the plants though, or you could move them indoors and invest in some lighting
  20. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Rabbit repelent...




    Problem solved...

  21. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    It's coming for you Wayne :D

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    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2007
  22. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    nice one :D:D:D
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2007
  23. Calltaker

    Calltaker MajorGeek

    My parents have a small veggie garden each year and always had a hard time with deer and rabbits. The last couple years they have not had problems cause they started using hair. Yep, I know someone mentioned that it isn't supposed to work, but for the last couple years, they have been saving human hair from haircuts (we all contribute since dad is bald and all) and found it works really well. Of course this year dad thinks he can expand the garden since I have ready access to a whole boatload of hair from work :)

    I thought it was an old harmer's tale, but I have to admit, I have seen the evidence with my own 2 eyes and am duly impressed.

  24. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member


    So to sum it up....

    My options are a 30-6, a 22, cheetah poop, moth balls, fox urine, and hair (human, no less)

    Thanks all.
  25. Calltaker

    Calltaker MajorGeek

    Well...... I used to do woodchuck elimination for local farmers and I used an Enfield Sport model firing .303 British (pretty much a big game round) Wasn't much left of the chuck's afterwards, but very effective :)

  26. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Awesome MK! What's that on the right?

    Actually, my roses are blooming and look really good despite those rascally rabbits. Thinking I'll take some pics. I may do some drawings of them, if I do, I'll post those too.
  27. Triaxx2

    Triaxx2 MajorGeek

    Considering it looks like you're in the city, you might consider using a bow and arrow instead. It'll take a little practice, but it's far harder to accidently injure someone. Doesn't even have to be anything powerful. A 20# draw is more than sufficient to eliminate them. It will take a little practice to get a shot without them fleeing, unless they're acclimated to humans.
  28. Calltaker

    Calltaker MajorGeek

    I want my own home now....... Thing is, even if I did have my own place, I would ahve to fence off an area for doing that so the dogs wouldn't destroy it :)


    PS: Although, with my allergies, I would be more likely to do a rock garden :)
  29. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    I'm going to call this post, "Keeping up with the Mankind's". :p I have finally started working around the yard at my new house. I just planted a flower bed and along my sidewalk. I ALSO put in walk lights (does that put me one up, Brad?) :pI wish I had taken before photos because the bed and area next to the walk were both full of weeds. Anyway here they are.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2007
  30. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Here is the before and after pics of the walk lights.

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  31. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Thanks, Brad. I have a lot to do yet, but if it wasn't for your pics, it would probably wait till next year. I can't wait until fall because I am going to really trim back the rose bushes up front and get them a head start for next spring. They need some real TLC. My neighbors say they haven't seen this yard look good for at least 10 years. Makes me feel good.
  32. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Guys!!!....they look awesome! And inspired musksnipe with your yard....woohoo!'s a couple more of roses came out, and then died off, so I spent a Zen-like hour pruning. Weird, but I love pruning my stuff in my gardens. A lot of my other stuff still needs time to come out.


  33. Phantom

    Phantom Brigadier Britches

    I'd post a pic. of my garden, but it's a bit (erm, a LOT!) shabby, a.t.m. :eek:rlleyes Big, but definitely outta shape.
  34. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Coming along fine. Starting to fill out some. Waiting on the wild flowers I planted to sprout. I took some close-ups of the roses and others.

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  35. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Looks beautiful MK.:)

    lol..the lady in the next yard looks like she's holding a chicken or something.
  36. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Looks great, Brad. I just planted 3 different kinds of annual seeds. Posies, a type of blue-white sunflower, and something that is 'sposed to look like little roses. I have a dead bush in the back yard and we are thinking of putting in some type of tall ornamental grass. Let ya know when the flowers come up.
  37. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Keeps looking better and better MK!

    I worked my a** off yesterday. It was beautiful, so I went to the nursery and bought 25 plants and actually got them all in. Woohoo! Here's the end result (mine are all perennials since the rabbits don't tend to do as much damage to them...of course, seeing MK's, I wish I could do all the annuals):

  38. eyeblazin

    eyeblazin Private First Class

    Try spraying plants with fox urine to keep screwy rabbits away. Can be found in most Walmarts with hunting supplies.
  39. hulkster

    hulkster HULK SMASH!

  40. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    People usually look at mine and say, "your a florist, huh?"
  41. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    So, I'm not sure which is worse; the website or "15 people watching grass grow - WOW!":D

    lol...I've gotten more suggestions for keeping the damn rabbits away in this thread. My hubby keeps telling me to buy a bb gun. Would they kill a rabbit?
  42. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Lovely garden LauraR, great work! I have perennials also (less work - no rabbit worries thoughLOL)

    You certainly take an interest in your garden with lovely results.;)


  43. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    Cuz he smokes it.
    Kidding :D
  44. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member


    Hmmm, the idea of just scaring the rabbits off is kind of appealing...I may see a bb gun in the future for hubby's birthday on Wednesday. :D
  45. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    MK, everything looks so nice, you've put a lot of work into your yard. Last time I saw pics pf your place it was covered with snow.
  46. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    anyone know how to find out what type of orchid this is? it's growing on my land. its basically warm and wet. . this is about 4" across so it is one of the bigger ones. the back of the petals are white, the front a dried blood colour and appearance, the center purple/maroon, the leaves are broad and can be seen in the bottom front of the first photo. the plant itself is only 1ft - 18" high. so far i have found four random plants. by contrast the other orchid that grows, in abundance, is the bamboo orchid. it is different in almost every way.
    i have just spent the best part of the afternoon trying to find this on line....failed. :) much aloha

    ps. hawaii has only three native orchids, one of which is the bamboo. i could not find pictures, names, or descriptions for the other two.

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  47. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Why not try posting the photos on a website devoted to orchid growers and you may get some help there? Eg
  48. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Some websites require you to register as a member before you can post (eg like MAJORGEEKS). So I'ld say that is what you encountered.


  49. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hi laurie :)

    It may be a Phaius tankervilleae?

    I found it on this website:'s another good site:

    You have beautiful flowers there. I need to get to Hawaii ;)
  50. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    bless you. that looks so similar it has to be the same thing. at least with a name i can find out. so i will let you know. much aloha.

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