have I gone to my limit

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ordog11, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. ordog11

    ordog11 Private E-2

    After reading up on this stuff for a while I decided to start OC'ing my rig.
    So for the past month or so ive been pushing things and think I came to my limit.
    I have my p4 3.0 @ 3.6 the voltage is @ 1.45 (or 4.5 cant remember what)
    I turned it up to 3.75 (where I want it) Things seem fine, but when I restart, everything shuts off for a sec and the lights go out in my case but everything starts fine again.
    Could that be my psu is weak or should I not turn it up that high or what?
    Thx for any advice...
    My 500w power supply came with my $115 aspire case.
  2. ASUS

    ASUS MajorGeek

    Aspire probably makes the worst PSU's on the Planet:eek:
    Many under estimate the importance of a PSU, it goes two fold when OCing!

    Whats your Temps?

    Have you run any Stability test's? Like Prime 95 Torture Test Blend or any 3D Marks, Super PI?

    Have you reached your Limit? you may have exceeded it.
  3. ordog11

    ordog11 Private E-2

    my temps are good but thats prob because a have the thermaltake big typhoon
    (they are at like 30c-40C under full load)
    I get 4650 in 3dmark 6 and ive run prime 95 for a little while (8 hours)
    but I bought a new psu tonight after reading up on how bad aspires are.
    I bought an antec truepower eps 550w
    nevertheless is it bad when you restart and everything goes off lights out for a sec ? then goes back to normal right away
    and thx for the feedback btw
  4. BrianBakerOrlando

    BrianBakerOrlando Private First Class

    What are your timings on your OCZ RAM when you try and put the CPU to 3.75Ghz

    *NOTE* The're only limits to those who dont use there minds...or there wallets..
  5. ordog11

    ordog11 Private E-2

    I have the timings set to spd (auto option in my bios)
    the ram I bought says 4-4-4-12 but cpu-z says its at 5-6-6-18
    I really dont know much about ram timings, Ive read on them and know what the're for, but not too much.
    The way my bios O.C. feature works is when you adjust the fsb, you are given one of 5 options for the ram frequency(bus)
    right now I have the fsb at 240 and the ram is at 640
    only when I turn up my fsb to 250 (3.75) will I get a ram option of 667
    which is what my ram is, so then I will be able to put my mem timings at
    4-4-4-12 ???
    This is what I think, but im just making an educated guess.

    I will have my new psu 2morrow:)
  6. BrianBakerOrlando

    BrianBakerOrlando Private First Class

    i know this is prob.going to sound crazy,but give it a try and see if your performance is ok...your DRAM Freq. take it off of AUTO and set it to 400,i know these are regular ddr speeds,but bare with me...set it to 400 then up your FSB to 250 keep in mind,you need to up the voltages to your CPU and possibly your memory....see if you still have the same problem at startup..and if you do,then do me 1 more favor..Set everything to stock and see if it still boots up the same way,or if it fixed the problem..If set on stock you have the same boot up problem,take one of you memory modules out and check how it boots...
  7. ordog11

    ordog11 Private E-2

    The ram frequency is not set to auto the timings are.
    And when I have my fsb (cpu) to anything less than 250 my startup is fine.
    Whats the limit for upping the cpu volt? I had it as high as 1.475.
    The ram volt i never put higher than the 1.8 default.
  8. BrianBakerOrlando

    BrianBakerOrlando Private First Class

    yeah your voltages are way too low for a 3Ghz pushing 3.6 keep an eye on temps and raise the VCore to 1.525 some where in there in between 1.52-1.55 you should be ok i had 1.6 going to my 3Ghz P4 with stock cooling for about a year before i went to water..And when i 1st started to OC i got to 3.6Ghz and my computer would boot up,then turn off and then reboot,it did that till i changed the voltages..and 1.8 is fine for your memory,may be too much but its ok..
  9. ordog11

    ordog11 Private E-2

    I just installed the new psu.. dam new egg is fast I ordered monday at like 10pm
    with free ground shipping, less than 2 days for free shipping is dope.
    Anyway im gonna try to see how far I can go now...
  10. ordog11

    ordog11 Private E-2

    My bios says that the psu fan is only going 760 rpm
    In speed fan I just saw something disturbing.
    Temp 1 33c Temp 2 28c Temp 3 125c!!! HDO 29c
    is that the psu ?
    how can I find out?
  11. ordog11

    ordog11 Private E-2

    I figured it out
  12. BrianBakerOrlando

    BrianBakerOrlando Private First Class

    share you knowledge for anyone else who has this problem,dont be shy,spill the beans
  13. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    if you're using speed fan thats just the default temp reading for sensor readings it thinks are there but arent. It showed for me that i had 2 components running that hot lo. I just disabled them

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