How Secure Are Encrypted Files/folders?

Discussion in 'Software' started by cornflakes, Nov 21, 2023.

  1. cornflakes

    cornflakes Corporal

    Let's say I want to encrypt/protect some of my files/folders so that NOBODY
    can access it except me, does such a thing exist or is every encryption software
    pretty much accessible/hackable by any expert who has the time and resources to crack it?
  2. harmless

    harmless Staff Sergeant

    well, you probably answered your own question.
    it would all depend on how eager they were to see what you have encrypted.
    EncryptOnClick works pretty well. [ and freeware ]
    not a bad idea now-a-days.
  3. sexyandy81

    sexyandy81 MajorGeek

    You can use a compression tool like winzip or 7zip and you can encrypt that with a password

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