I am such a loser. I accidently deleted my c drive...ooops.

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by zoloftgranny, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. zoloftgranny

    zoloftgranny Private E-2

    Don't know how I did this...but now when I start my computer It goes to the Acer backdrop and stays there. I do have a recovery disk that was made when I first got the computer (May this year) but when I put it in it says that C drive will be overwritten. Is there any way to retrieve my data before I do this? Please be nice...I am already crying over this. So many pictures and documents..wow.:cry
  2. howiefix

    howiefix Private E-2

    Do not overwrite the drive!!!! Do you have a boot disk? If not do you have another PC (you must because you are e-mailing this group)? What kind of PC is this Laptop or Desktop? You can inspect the drive data in a different PC. How did you get into this condition? There are programs that will undelete files. Do not format or overwrite the drive.
  3. zoloftgranny

    zoloftgranny Private E-2

    The computer is an Acer desktop. I am on my husbands computer that is networked to mine. If I am in safe mode on my computer can we access photo's and info etc from mine?
    I was fooling around with System mechanic at the time. Something to do with the registry.
  4. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Howie is right.... do not overwrite the drive. If a drive has been formatted, most of the data is still there and recoverable, but once new data is written, anything that was once there will slowly be destroyed by new data. I'm assuming it's a laptop, because Acer hasn't made any desktop PCs in a few years (at least that I know about, but I could be wrong), and they are best known for their laptop PCs. If it is a laptop, you'll need to remove the hard drive and acquire a USB adapter to plug the drive into. Then you'll plug the unit into a functioning PCs USB port. Here's a link to the adapter you'll need: http://www.malabs.com/product.asp?product_sku=54766&item_no=HD-HD211U2&show=b&pass=&shopid=
    -or here-
    As you can see, they are not very costly and they are VERY easy to assemble and use. Once the drive is in the enclosure, plug the cable into a working PC preferably running Windows XP (or Windows 2000 at the very least). Then using some data recovery software, you'll scan the drive and get most of your stuff back. There are some free recovery programs, but most of the good ones will cost you. For paid software, I highly recommend Easy Recovery Pro from OnTrack software. It is very easy to use, does a great job, and has several recovery settings, including "scan formatted drive". For free software, I'd recommend PCInspector File Recovery. It also does a great job, but it's a bit slow, and isn't very user friendly, but it's 100% free, and it works.... here's the links:
    Easy Recovery Pro http://www.ontrackdatarecovery.com/file-recovery-software/
    PCInspector http://www.pcinspector.de/file_recovery/UK/welcome.htm
    Good luck!
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2008
  5. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    I was typing the above post while you posted your 2nd post.... if the only problem is a registry error, then the drive has not been formatted. In your first post you said you formatted the drive. If the drive hasn't actually been formatted, and the registry is corrupt to the point where the drive doesn't boot, then you should be able to use one of the above enclosures to plug it into another PC and access everything without any recovery software. And no, you cannot access the drive through the network. In order to access a drive on a network, all PCs must be running a compatible operating system. If the PC doesn't load into Windows, you cannot access it via a network.

    If you have another hard drive laying around and you don't need the data on it, install it in place of the drive you need to save. Then install Windows to it. Then hook up the drive you need to save as a slave drive or temporarily disconnect the CD/DVD drive and plug it into that cable. When you start Windows again, you should be able to access the drive and all its data :D

    BTW- the enclosures I linked to above are for laptop drives, but they make identical enclosures for desktop drives and they are available at just about any PC store for under $20 or $30 max for the fancier ones. Just tell the dude at the store "I need an enclosure for a 3.5" desktop ATA drive. I want to plug that drive into a USB port on my hubby's PC". Just be sure that the drive is an ATA drive, sometimes also called PATA or IDE. The drive might be SATA, so be sure to find out the EXACT drive info before buying the enclosure. Or take the drive with you to the PC store to be sure you get the correct item.
  6. howiefix

    howiefix Private E-2

    The fact that you can read the data in safe mode, is a great sign. You will be able to read the "data" not the programs from another PC. Sounds like you only corrupted the registry. All your data is OK, you just cant boot. You might try to go back to a earlier system restore point. Do not worry your pictures are safe.
  7. zoloftgranny

    zoloftgranny Private E-2

    There isn't anything to read it's just a black screen with safe mode written in each corner.There is a whole page of gobblygook data but it isn't there long enough to read. I suppose I could pause it..but it looks like something I wouldn't be able to decipher...and then it goes to the all black page with safe mode in the corners. Also, the only recovery CD we have is the one made days after I got the new computer. So my photos and documents wouldn't be on there yet.
  8. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    zoloftgranny, you shouldn't be trying to start your computer with the wiped hd. You should follow dlb's instructions
    You pull your data off using your husband's computer. The more you try and do things using your computer, the more the drive gets written to. The more the drive gets written to, the harder it is to get your pictures and files back.
  9. monkeytoys

    monkeytoys Private E-2

    based on your earlier statements, i'd recommend that you take it to a pc store and let them recover your photos and data if at all possible. do not keep booting and attempting to fix it, you increase your odds of losing everything.

    i'd recommend that you spend the money to pay someone to fix it. if you want to try it yourself, then buy the ext enclosure and hook it to another computer to pull off the data files. put it back in your computer and then use the recovery disk to reinstall the o/s.
  10. zoloftgranny

    zoloftgranny Private E-2

    new wrinkle

    I did what you recommended and purchased an external hard drive and my husband was able to get a lot of stuff from my computer and it is up and running again. I did lose most of my pics and all of my documents however. Anyway...the grieving is over but I have one gripe that I can't seem to fix. Every time I start my computer I get a message that says....eRAgent An invalid argument was encountered. Any ideas on how to get rid of that? I just click ok and it goes away...but it is annoying. Thanks for all of your help from my last problem....you guys sure know your stuff !

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