New Pets Thread.

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Wenchie, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. Paxton007

    Paxton007 MajorGeek

    We started calling MuuMuu... MuuMuucita... to highlight her spanish heritage.. LOL anyhow, until I get more of her, here's the familia.. a little more spanish lingo..

    Attached Files:

  2. Calltaker

    Calltaker MajorGeek

    OMG Pax... they are sooooooo adorable!!!

    good thing my other half doesn't come here, she'd be hittin you up to see how much you wanted for one...LOL

    they really are too cute tho...

  3. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Cute pics Pax...I love her coloring.

    Here's a pic of Oscar. Yeah, he's not a cute little chihuahua, but I bet your Chihuahuas don't hold up the wall as well as him. :D

  4. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    LOL. Great picture of Oscar. I remember him when he was just a baby. (a couple of months ago) LOL
  5. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    :cry They grow up so fast. Before you know it, they're doing their own laundry before eating the socks.

  6. Calltaker

    Calltaker MajorGeek

    Gorgeous boy Laura... is he a pure bred boxer?

    Love his coloring.

    And no, the Chihuahua doesn't hold up wallls quite that well, but they do keep your legs warm when you sleep :)

    (wihtout taking up half the bed)

  7. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    I won't laugh, I promise I WON"T........roflmaoroflmaoroflmaoroflmao
    Uh, sorry :eek:
    You obviously have not met Bed Hog Poncho. :D
  8. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, CT. Yep, he's all boxer. Farting, drooling and all. :D

    So, your chihuahua is a good leg warmer....but can he eat a whole sock?? huh? :D
  9. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    My girlfriend got me a puppy for Christmas, she said I was to lonely since my son went to college. So when we went went looking she got one too. Believe it or not these 2 are sisters. Diasy is mine. They are foxhound / boxers.

  10. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    Sisters perhaps, but I suspect different daddies.

    I've known people who owned coons. They are as protective as dogs, but don't give warning if their defending your (their) territory. You also have to get used to an animal with hands and a brain, and is quite willing to get itself a midnight snack.

    I've heard a way to tease a raccoon is to give it a bowl of sugar cubes and a bowl of water side by side. Seems they have this irresistible instinct to wash their food. Better watch from a distance though, that is going to be one frustrated raccoon, just before they drink the sugar water.
  11. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    roflmao Your going to have to get Oscar a cape, holds up walls, eats socks
  12. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    This thread is too dog-heavy lately! This is a picture of my kitty, Icarus -- everyone who meets him says he has the most personality they've ever encountered in a pet. He's not an outdoor cat, but every so often I'll take him outside under supervision, so he can smell the smells and hear everything in surround sound, instead of just through the screen door.

  13. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Pretty cat. I also have an indoor one and he gets to go out back with a bit of supervision.
    It seems the screen door thing must be common to indoor cats. Anytime I go out the back door with the dogs, this is where Jerry will be, if he's not sleeping. :-D

  14. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    Thank you! Unfortunately, he knows he's pretty, and can get pretty upset if strangers don't tell him so profusely.

    Aww, poor Jerry. It's like he's watching that dog get to run amock, and thinking evil thoughts about him. Making masterminded plans to get out there, some day...
  15. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    I second the pretty cat comment, Azulala. :)

    Muskie's cat just scares me. I think he wants to eat Poncho. :-D
  16. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    I am a pet psychic.

    Jerry... . o O ( Maybe if I eats Poncho, the next time my slave goes outside, he'll bring me with him instead if he can't find that dog... And then Phase One of Plan Takeover will be complete. )
  17. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member


    btw, I had my Sachi (R.I.P.) in this thread somewhere. So it's not totally dogs. :)
  18. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Jerry and Poncho get along pretty well. (When they're not chasing each other and boxing)
    Jerry is giving his little buddy a bath.

  19. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    Wow... Jerry looks absolutely gigantic next to little Poncho. :O Bigcat is big. :-D This picture is absolutely adoooorable!
  20. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Awww, muskie...that's sweet. :) (you know I was just kidding about Jerry being skeery, right?)

    What a difference between that pic and this one:
  21. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    Laura, that's AWESOME! LOL LOL LOL

    I love that picture... the cat's eyes look so intimidating. Something about the shape of his eyes really gives the impression of furrowed, angry eyebrows. Love it. :-D
  22. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    @ Musk, didn't you tell Jerry Poncho already had a shower?
  23. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    LOL @ all of you.
  24. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    This is Sadie with one of my daughters (long ago)

    Lincoln Mercury Cougar with my youngest (also long ago)

    This is Sidney (she hates everyone) she is 15
    Everyone except her daddy, she gives him treats (also a while back)

    This is Pawla, we stole her from her wild mother (who we also now have)
  25. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Neat pictures, Darlene. Pawla looks like a handful.
    Tell Dan to stop eating Kitty Treats. Next, he''ll want tuna fish. LOL
  26. Calltaker

    Calltaker MajorGeek

    Laura, that shot is priceless... one of those "Don't even think about touching my chihuahua" Pictures...

    I posted this once before, I believe this is Solange's cat, I just captioned it... hadda sneak it in though....


  27. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    Not at all, she is so sweet but skiddish, Dan and I in the same room with her freaks her out at times. I ask her for a kitty kiss, kiss her on the top of her head and she sticks her tongue out to make that smack sound, thought it was a fluke at first but no, thats her kitty kisses
  28. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Kitty kisses??....that is just beyond adorable, Darlene. :) Wow, is she gorgeous.
  29. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Kitty kisses????
    Jerry is much to manly to give up kitty kisses, but he does come in and tell me good night ,
    no matter what time I go to bed.
  30. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    My ex husbands name is Jerry but he's a dog not a cat ;)
  31. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    :-D Now that's funny!
  32. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    Kitty kisses!! That is sooo cute! *dies a little from too much cute*

    When I ask my cat for a kiss, I make a kissy sound and he stretches his head up to touch his nose to my mouth.

    Yesterday he totally destroyed my friend's hand. Teeth marks and scratches and the whole thing. Everyone just sort of stared in shocked silence afterwards, including my cat... so out of character! We still don't entirely know what happened. :< Any thoughts, guys? He wasn't acting stressed or confused at all, and all my friend did was put his hand down to be sniffed.
  33. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    He just didn't like your friend? I had a dog like that. (Australian Shepard/Golden Lab mix)
    Some of my best friends would get growls and threatening looks.
  34. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    Well, the thing is, he was petting my cat earlier just fine, and the cat was purring and rubbing his cheeks on things and seemed perfectly happy. I can normally sense when he's getting stressed, but this was just completely out of the blue. The cat seemed confused too, and kinda slunk backwards for a second and then ran off into my room.
  35. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Isn't that just a cat thing? My cat was sweet (well, with us anyway LOL). She would be loving the attention, then all the sudden..wham!..she'd get all out of sorts and turn around to bite (not really, just a threat) and run off. I figured it was just the eccentricity of cats.
  36. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    Yeah, definitely. And yeah, my cat does do that. But this was like an all-out attack... my friend was gushing blood from a number of places on his hand, and had scratches halfway up his forearm. It was bizarre.
  37. Paxton007

    Paxton007 MajorGeek

    MuuMuu was helping do the dishes the other night..

  38. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    Oh my god, Paxton, that pic is SO adorable! I love it! His expression is great too, just like "Hey, you. Don't judge."
  39. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Awww...too cute, Pax.

    I am so going to have to take a 'cute' pic of Oscar. Can you do that with a boxer? LOL
  40. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    CAT be thankful they don't out weigh us.:-D Unpredictable, my oldest one got me after we had her about three years, she was not playing. She wrapped her paws around my leg then dug teeth and claws in so hard she shook. She was never mistreated or even scolded. Dan thought she was playing I don't feel the same. From then on she got one, two, three strokes and enough. She still hisses at people to this day, kids were the worst, she would try to swat at them. We had her from the time her ears were on the side of her head so know nothing bad happened to her. In the box of her siblings she was the only one not playing, sitting in the middle looking straight ahead as if to say, God get me outta here.
    I have always said you can't trust kids or animals, they'll shock you every time.
  41. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    Well, I guess you'll always get animals who are a little... off. Just in the way you can get people who are not quite right in the head, and you never know what'll make them snap.

    Guess I'll never really know what set Icarus off. I do know that he seemed to show a lot of remorse afterward, and was incredibly affectionate the rest of the day, and actually sat on the back of the chair in which my wounded friend was sitting, and the friend reported that he was purring some of the time. So, maybe that was his way of apologizing? Any way, I'll be keeping an eye on him... maybe something was wrong health-wise, and something hurt him causing him to lash out.
  42. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    Once again (CAT) they don't think like people, they have no remorse.
  43. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    I beg to differ. The one time my cat has ever scratched me (after being severely stressed out by a vet trip) he immediately calmed down and attached himself to me, purring and rubbing up against me. He didn't leave my side all that day and the next morning until I had to leave for work.

    And the cat I had before him was a cranky little creature, who would often lash out for no reason, and then after a second, make a little trilling sound before licking your hand over and over.

    I agree that cats don't think the way people do. But to say they have no remorse merely suggests a lack of understanding or experience with cats. Blanket statements like that will always get you into trouble, as there will always be examples to the contrary.
  44. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012
  45. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    She's beautiful. :)Part German Shepard? That would explain her baing so protective
  46. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    None of this goes against what I've said, that I can tell, but I could have missed something. Which part in particular were you trying to highlight? Any cat person recognizes at least most of this. :)
  47. Azulala

    Azulala Private First Class

    Aww, TxTazDad, what a cutie! I love it when pets are so loyal to their owners, whether they're cats or dogs. In some cases it's blind loyalty, obviously, but in some cases it's a hard-forged bond formed over the years. Animals really are remarkable to observe and to have around.
  48. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    :-D I stand corrected.

    I've never seen an all black one before.
  49. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    There is no doubt German Shepherds are extremely intelligent. I actually grew up with grandparents'. His name was Satan. :-D My uncle got him and ended up giving him to them. Go kid naming his dog Satan.rolleyes My grandparents called him Satie.

    When I say that we (the kids...all 6 of use, between my cousins, siblings, and I) could do anything to this dog, I mean anything. It was just as you said with your son. He would take it.

    On the flip side, he went through a plate glass window at the mailman. :-D

    I had always wanted one, but then decided the responsibility was more than I wanted.

    lol..I ended up with a Boxer. They love everyone. LOL

    You mentioned the process you went through with the breeder. That's exactly what we went through. Interviews, etc. I wish more people who breed dogs would do it responsibly. There are too many people out there that shouldn't own animals.
  50. Calltaker

    Calltaker MajorGeek

    I miss my shepherd.... he was a one of a kind. Unfortunately, he was apparently abused as a puppy and this past January when we were horsing around, he just snapped and went after both of us. Unfortunately, our only option was to put him down..... that about killed me.

    I will have another shepherd one of these days, but when I do, i am getting him as a puppy from Phoenix Kennels in Long Island, NY. They are one of the few on the East Coast, and I think the only ones in the North East that sell true German bloodlines from Germany.

    until then tho......

    RIP Daddy's Big Woofer...


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