O.E. spellcheck not working-Missing .DLL?

Discussion in 'Software' started by paul.peacock, Feb 19, 2005.

  1. paul.peacock

    paul.peacock Private E-2

    Hi wonder if you can help. The spell check on my O.E. is not working. I've checked in the about window and it says it can't find a DLL (csapi3t1.dll). I've searched the pc and it's there, so how do I tell outlook express where to find it?

    I'm running XP home sp2, outlook express 6
  2. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    HERE is the solution.

    As far as I know, Outlook Express on it's own doesn't have a spell checker.

    It can however use the spell checker from Micro$$oft Office or Works etc if they are installed.

    If you have the relevant program/s installed, then try to replace the DLL as it could be corrupt.

    It's available for download, or it's on your Micro$$oft CD. (It's in the i386 folder)

    It should be in your "Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof".

    If you don't have Office or Works, then you will need a third-party spell-checker for Outlook Express.
  3. paul.peacock

    paul.peacock Private E-2

    ok, I've installed the dll, think it was there anyway as I have "works". Restarted pc, but to no avail :(
  4. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    If it still gives you the same error that csapi3t1.dll is missing, then try copying and pasting that file to your Outlook Express folder and see if that helps.

    If everything suggested is failing, then try the following,

    Locate the files ctapi3t2.dll and chapi3t1.dll CD (should be on your Office or maybe Works CD) and copy them to the ...Shared\Proof folder.

    If you are using Microsoft Office 97 (Or works) and the language is English, locate the files mssp232.dll and mssp2_en.lex in a folder named Proof on your Microsoft Office/Works CD and copy them to the …\Shared\Proof folder.

    If you are using a different version of Office or Works, locate the Proof folder on the CD and copy the files with names beginning "mssp..." to the ...Shared\Proof folder. (Note that the .lex files are dictionaries, and some of them will be for languages that you aren't using)

    Open Control Panel, Regional Settings. and Check under Regional Options that the language selected is the same as that used by Microsoft Office.

    Open Outlook Express, Tools, Options, Spelling tab and check that the language selected is the same as selected above. (Selecting a region outside the US English (United States) can sometimes solve the problem.)

    The last suggestion involves editing the registry, so only do so if you are comfortable doing that and willing to accept the risk. Make a backup first.

    Using the Registry Editor (Start, Run, type in regedit) expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, Microsoft, Shared Tools and check that the value SharedFilesDir contains "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\" or whatever is the parent of your Proof folder.

    The full long filename and the backslash at the end of the path are both important.

    If all of the above are correct, and spell checking still doesn't work, try uninstalling and then reinstalling Micro$$oft Office or Micro$$oft Works.
  5. paul.peacock

    paul.peacock Private E-2

    Ok, I've tried all of the above and still no joy. I've OE6 and works7 installed. Had a quick look at microsoft's knowledge base and that says when you install works7 the spellcheck in OE6 stops working (no 5h1+ Sherlock!) but doesn't have any handy (or palletable) solution available grr. I'm going to keep working on this just out of a matter of principal.
  6. paul.peacock

    paul.peacock Private E-2

    Still none the better. Looking at the knowledge base it looks like ther should be some registry entries there that aren't. I'm off to see if uninstalling then reinstalling works 7 will help

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