Removing process from Task Manager

Discussion in 'Software' started by Sharpey, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. Sharpey

    Sharpey Private E-2

    I don't think my first thread was posted properly, so I am posting again. My 7 yr old son was on a cartoon network site playing online games and since then, a "Video game Desktop Shortcuts" process will not stop running in the background. I tried to end task in Task Manager, but I cannot get rid of it. Some programs will not run, because there is a program waiting for a response. Any suggestions? I have run Anti malware devices, etc. to no avail...
  2. Kniht

    Kniht Sergeant

    When you try to kill the process in Task Manager are you getting an error message? If so, what is the error message.
  3. Sailor

    Sailor First Sergeant

    use this utility to terminate it. It's called killprocess. However, it can't be that simple, maybe you're infected with something.
  4. Solange

    Solange Sergeant Major

    Problem is, when you shut it off in your task manager (or killprocess), you only terminate the process temporarily, next time you start the computer up, it will launch again.

    If you haven't already tried this, go to the Control Panel, Add and Remove Programs, and see if you can find it in the list and uninstall it. It might not be "malware", it can be just something your son accidentally installed when playing.
  5. Sharpey

    Sharpey Private E-2

    No error message in task manager, just message saying that program is waiting for response. Tried Killprocess, no luck...Already tried Control Panel. Thanks for suggestions. This is a great site!
  6. Novice

    Novice MajorGeek

    Another approach might be to right click on the desktop icon and choose properties from the menu. This will show the target or parent program that the icon is linked to. You might be able to delete it by booting in safe mode.:)
  7. Sharpey

    Sharpey Private E-2

    Can't get rid of it in MSCONFIG. The process where it is running from is explorer.exe
  8. Kniht

    Kniht Sergeant

    If the process has a desktop icon try this:

    Go here and download "Unlocker":

    Install and right click on the desktop icon. Select "Unlocker". This will show if explorer.exe has a lock on it. If so, select "Unlock" then delete the process from Task Manager.
  9. Sharpey

    Sharpey Private E-2

    Finally got it off! Last ditch effort, did simplest thing, file search. It was a old file that came up! Figures... Thanks for the help!
  10. Jackie2

    Jackie2 Private E-2

    How do I use Task scheduler for repairing events and errors, I have 29,000. Please help, I have tried and have no idea what to write as task and then what to do. Thank you
  11. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Jackie2, you need to start your own thread, not post in a more than 6 year old thread.
    When you post, please mention what version of windows you are running.
  12. AtlBo

    AtlBo Major Geek Extraordinaire


    Not quite sure what is exactly your problem, but you might do better to start a new thread here in the Software forum.

    In the description it would help if you could give a brief but detailed explanation of your system, what is happening, and what you would like to happen. For example, which operating system do you use? Are the errors associated with Task Scheduler somehow? Which menu is open when you see the errors? You can answer these in the new thread if you would like to start one...

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