Strange Video Card troubles

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by amaninbush, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. amaninbush

    amaninbush Private E-2

    I currently use a SOYO motherboard (P4VTP) that supports 4x/8x Video Cards. My video card is a Geforce 4200 TI 8x video card, and I use a 400W power supply. (1.8 pentium processor).

    As of this weekend, when I tried to turn on my computer my monitor failed to recognize video and would not turn on. After some plugging and unplugging, removing and reinserting the video card, it finally worked. The same thing would happen again and again every time I turned off the computer for any reason. As of today, after 2 hours of trying, the monitor continues to recognize video while using that card.

    I have tried the monitor on some friends' systems and it comes on fine, so I narrowed it down to either the video card or motherboard. So I tested my girlfriend's GeForce 4TI 64mb 4x card on my system and it worked fine. ALSO, my GeForce 4200 worked fine on her system.

    This has left me stumped, it doesn't seem to be the motherboard because it runs fine with other cards, however it doesn't seem to be the card because it runs fine in other systems. Some additional info: The motherboard, monitor, and power supply are all only about 4 months old. PLEASE HELP! Thanks.

  2. Sgtmackenzie

    Sgtmackenzie Private E-2

    This is something I am far from knowledgeable about and want to learn more.

    I noticed that the mobo has one AGP slot (support 4x/8x mode with 1.5v)

    And from this site:,63.html

    "The bottomline is that your 8X video card can theoretically be safely TESTED in any 1.5V motherboard for compatibility. But if you know for a fact that your board only runs 1.5V AGP 2.0 spec and your 8X AGP 3.0 card runs only 0.8v spec, then the two should NOT be compatible one another. At the very least it will be unstable, if it runs at all."

    Does this mean if the 8X AGP card you have runs only .8v than it would be incompatible with the mobo because it only supports 4x/8x with 1.5v?
  3. Boosted!! O_o

    Boosted!! O_o Private E-2

    My brother had a similar problem. It turned out his VRUs were overloaded and refused to boot. i would recommend an Asus a7v8x mtoherboard it is an awesome board for a good price. sometimes when you get a 4x/8x mobo it won't work right with the 4x port. When my brother bought this he hasn't had the problem since. This is a permanent fix. unless you downgrade to a 4x agp card it won't work correctly with your motherboard.

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