Threat of Sexually Explicit Materials

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by funnypassenger, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. funnypassenger

    funnypassenger Private E-2

    Before I get to the threat of sexually explicit materials part, please read the following:

    I recently had a couple of computer experts clean my entire Dell computer system for security risks, however, the next day when I opened Word there was a "recovered file" waiting for me. Microsoft alerted me with the following message:

    “You may be encountering this message because an anti-virus program is not allowing the file to open. This can be caused by one of the two conditions. Either the anti-virus program needs to be updated (due to a compatibility problem with its application) or there is a virus in the file but the anti-virus program cannot properly remove or process the virus it has found.

    In either case, the file you are attempting to open should be treated as infected until you have updated your anti-virus software to the latest updates available from the vendor. All major anti-virus software manufacturers have created updates to address known compatibility problems with Office applications. They also usually provide a virus signature file that is available for download from the Internet and must be updated regularly to properly scan for all known forms of viruses.

    If you are experiencing this problem on a computer where a new version of anti-virus software was recently installed from a CD-ROM, it is advised to connect to the Internet and download the latest updates available from the vendor.

    If you are experiencing this problem on a computer where the latest version of the software is installed, all signature files are up to date and the file will not open (but other files do) then it is very likely the file is infected with a virus and the anti-virus program cannot remove the infection.

    There is also the possibility the file is corrupt (damaged) and cannot be properly handled by either the anti-virus software or the affected Office application. In this case, it may be necessary to attempt recovery of the file using the related recovery utilities that may be available with the application (not all applications have file recovery or repair capabilities).

    For more information about this issue, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 835404”

    On opening this article, it related the same thing that the Microsoft had alerted to me earlier.

    My Question:

    Though I have updated and run scans on all my security software (Norton, Ewido, Spysweeper, Spybot Search & Destroy, Ad-Aware SE Personal, Spyware Guard, Windows Defender (Beta 2)and a free Panda Program, no infection has appeared on any of these programs except Panda. Panda revealed I had one spyware problem.

    Problems Occuring on My Computer That Lead Me to Believe There Is an Infection, Are as Follows:

    Whenever I open my Yahoo e-mail account and try to open up individual mail, I'm immediately redirected to a screen that says: "Sorry, we couldn't find;sz and suggests I go to related sites. This happens repeatedly.

    Today, I received a sudden flash notice on my screen that said words to the effect, "...this site contains sexually explicit materials..." Though no site has opened up yet, I'd like to nip this problem in the bud. I have no interest in such materials.

    Other favorite websites I go to are also getting redirected.

    Could you help me out here?

    Thanking you in advance.

  2. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    Hi and Welcome to MajorGeeks

    Just to be on the safe side lets go through the following steps. This will help us identify any problems you make have (and if we find any) fix them.

    - Please run ALL the steps in this Sticky thread READ & RUN ME FIRST Before Asking for Support

    Make sure you check version numbers and get all updates.

    After doing ALL of the above you still have a problem make sure you have booted to normal mode and run the steps in the below link to properly use HijackThis and attach a log:

    Downloading, Installing, and Running HijackThis

    When you return to make your next post, make sure you attach the following logs and that you have run these scans in the following order too (these scans are covered in steps 6 & 7 of the READ & RUN ME sticky)

    Panda Scan

    Good Luck!:)

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