Vista Hang-Up at Welcome Screen

Discussion in 'Software' started by sweetdawg8, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. sweetdawg8

    sweetdawg8 Private E-2

    Hello! :wave

    For the past month or so my computer has started to hang on the welcome screen when booting up Vista. I've done lots of searches on this and found lots about booting into Safe Mode and looking for something there however I don't know what I'm looking for. I've tried deleting many startup items and I'm still having the problem. I can hit ctrl-alt-del once and it will continue to my desktop as normal.

    Is there anything I can do here to solve this problem? I do not remember what I did to cause this, either.

    Thanks in advance! :cool
  2. GCWesq

    GCWesq MajorGeek

    You could try changing a setting, as follows:
    Start Menu>Search
    Type in netplwiz andEnterClick the Advanced tab
    Clear the "Require users to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete" checkbox.

    You can also, as an alternative, try typing in secpol.msc into the start menu search box and then navigate to Local Policies > Security Options.
    Find the setting for “Interactive Logon: Do not display last user name” and change it to disabled.
  3. sweetdawg8

    sweetdawg8 Private E-2

    Neither of those worked...

    I've done some research around the net and can't seem to find any solid answers. Please, let me know if you find anything to solving this issue. I'm sure you can imagine it's annoying to have to do this.

    Thanks for trying, however. Hope to hear from you soon.
  4. GCWesq

    GCWesq MajorGeek

    Did you change those two settings, or were they already set as suggested (cleared and disabled)?
  5. GCWesq

    GCWesq MajorGeek

    Also, try typing in secpol.msc into the start menu search box again and then navigate to Local Policies > Security Options again.
    Find the setting for “Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL” and make sure that is disabled also.
  6. sweetdawg8

    sweetdawg8 Private E-2

    Your first suggestion was not checked in the first place. For the second suggestion it had said not defined so I defined it as suggested. And the third one that you just suggested I had found and tried. None of these worked.
  7. GCWesq

    GCWesq MajorGeek

    Oops! I've fallen for the old two card trick here. That third option - you need to set the value to Enabled! (Disabled means you have to press Ctrl+Alt+Del - nice double negative). Sorry. See if that works.
  8. sweetdawg8

    sweetdawg8 Private E-2

    Still not working. I read in one forum somewhere that there is a possible error message coming up that windows is not allowing me to see at that point and so of course I'm not able to click OK or anything to allow the computer to continue. Is there any way to check for this possible error?
  9. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    You need to start by gathering some information.

    Does this also happen in safe mode?
    Does it happen with all external devices, except keyboard, mouse and monitor disconnected?
    Is the keyboard/mouse wireless? if so can you try with ordinary ones?

    Once you have confirmed that the problem occurs in all these cases you know it is confined to Vista so enable boot logging and review the bootlog file.

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