Vista RC1 Community Preview Released

Discussion in 'Software' started by DavidGP, Sep 6, 2006.

  1. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    yeah.. I have dyslexic fingers!!!

    Getting myself both x86 adn x64 to test as usual at this moment in time... a few hours left in the DL.

    Not tagged as RC2 tho, and no mention from MS Vista tech team as this being RC2, just a build.
  2. prankz

    prankz Specialist

    probably known as RC2 internally....
  3. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    MS had a page up Wed. evening EST that called it RC2 but it was fairly quickly taken down (wish I had a screenie). Maybe that's where all the confusion comes in. On that same page they mentioned a limited CPP dl. I guess we'll see if that comes true.
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    You like me would have seen the same NG posts.... and disapearences, but at least we have connect access to the latest build :)

    No-one at MS as you'll note via NGs have said this is RC2 as yet?
  5. prankz

    prankz Specialist

    here u go ppl. just to show RC2 was in fact released. piccy taken from

  6. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Here ya go Mr. Halo ;) From here. Hehe, I thought they were out of time for a RC2 build but MS proved me wrong. I won't kill my 5728 install as I'm only looking for extra driver support. It'll be a triple boot for now.

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2006
  7. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2006
  8. stardis

    stardis Private E-2

    Upgraded from RC1 5600 to RC2 5744. Seems to work well so far.
  9. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    I never upgrade, how long did it take you? Anything break between the two?
  10. Jawa Slayer

    Jawa Slayer Corporal

    I have a couple of questions about RC1:

    *I think* I have aero glass selected (there doesn't seem to be anywhere in the 'Themes' or 'Window Color and Appearance' menus that mentions either Aero or Glass, BUT all the windows menus and task bar are transparant). Its just the task bar isn't really all that transparant, even with transparancy maxed, is this normal? I have previously have windowblinds installed on xp with the vista skin and the taskbar was almost completely transparant, which looked better in my oppinion.

    Also most of the reviews of the various Vista betas mentioned the recycle bin slowly filling up with more balls of rubish the more stuff you deleted, but on mine it is only either full or empty, like in xp. Did they get remove that feature in rc1 or am I missing a bunch of options?
  11. stardis

    stardis Private E-2

    I have upgraded Beta 2 to RC1 5600 and then to RC2 5744. I took about 1 hour and 15 minutes but nothing broke that I have noticed. I was pleased that Avast took the upgrade to RC2 with no problems. During the entire upgrade experience My SQL 5 express (I think that is correct) was the only component that failed the upgrades.
  12. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    5744 works for me also.

    Haven't been online much, due to two new games I have. Titan Quest (which requires me to close the explorer process, and set the main .exe priority to low....otherwise the game crashes), and CIV4:Warlords....
  13. netsurfer

    netsurfer Private First Class

    My engineering teacher said Vista is a HUGE resource hog of an OS, and requires basically a completely new computer to run.

  14. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Both.. depends on the specs of the PC, Vista is being installed on, however at present it does have many more running processes and services as its a beta and has diagnostics and reporting mechanisims to aid the development, but I find its very quick on a

    AMD64 Athlon 3500+
    1gb ram
    Ati x200 GFX 128mb dedicated

    actually runs some applications quicker than XP, also could the same not be said of XP when it was a newer OS than Win ME?

    I like some others here will get to know what it runs like when the RTM release is available as thats the final release version bar some possible minor tweaks.

    Quick question, does your Engineering teacher run windows Vista and latest build to make those assumptions? *only curious as to if its personal hands on assessment of the OS or hearsay*
  15. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Though, people said the same thing when XP came out, compared to '98.

    Though, these same people were mostly talking about game FPS scores. :)
  16. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    or '98 when that happened. I think it's safe to say that most use XP now, at least at forums. I think the teacher should look more into the new capabilities of Vista rather than dismissing it due to lack of hardware or bloat.

    I like this MSDN Channel9 video of a demonstration of WPF in action several months ago from the Scripp's Institute. The first 10 min is basically a promo but it gets interesting after that. It's a 40 min video on basic health research. Oh, let it dl for a few minutes before viewing it, not very good dl speeds. Enjoy and I hope the engineer sees something of value here also. Probably RC1.

    Oh, I like the forced reboot at 11:50, brought him right back to where he was, apparently.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2006
  17. stardis

    stardis Private E-2

    Vista seems noticably faster than XP to me on the same computer:

    AMD 64 3200+
    2gb ram
    250 gb sata hdd - two partitions: XP Pro and Vista RC2 5744
    ATI 9600 video AGP

    I don't think it is a resource hog. I mean, what is it hogging? Ram or cpu cycles?
    The OS at this time is fast and responsive. The cpu meter bundled with the gadgets says it is using about 34% of the ram and the cpu isn't tasked at all. I think when it is released, it will be more efficient with resources than some Linux OS are.

    I don't think a direct comparison on my machine is a good comparison because I don't have the same software on each OS and I don't know if the running processes are even closely the same.

    The problem that I have with Vista is that I don't have much in the way of software for it. It is mostly a web browsing OS for me right now. I use Firefox, but IE seems to work very nicely. I am using Windows Mail and it works well also.
  18. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    or '98 when that happened. I think it's safe to say that most use XP now, at least at forums. I think the teacher should look more into the new capabilities of Vista rather than dismissing it due to lack of hardware or bloat.

    I like this MSDN Channel9 video of a demonstration of WPF in action several months ago from the Scripp's Institute. The first 10 min is basically a promo but it gets interesting after that. It's a 40 min video on basic health research. Oh, let it dl for a few minutes before viewing it, not very good dl speeds. Enjoy and I hope the engineer sees something of value here also. Probably RC1.
  19. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    I probably have already stated my specs, but here they are again:

    Athlon XP 3200+ (barton)
    1.5 gigs of ram
    nvidia 6800

    System Rating according to Vista: 3.6 (due to the cpu).
  20. netsurfer

    netsurfer Private First Class

    He tried Vista on a couple of computers in his lab, all P4+ and they took more than 3 minutes to even boot vista.
  21. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Their were some boot time issues last year that had boot times hitting 3 mins + but that was July06, the latest reports from techbeta testers is that its nVidia Drivers that are causing long boot times on "some" pc in the last few current builds.

    A long boot time doesnt necassarily mean the OS is a resource hog, majority of the issues plaguing the majority of testers are driver issues or lack of updated drivers, plus some security software can add to a longer boot time.

    I've run Vista builds on older Northwood P4s, Newer Prescotts, AMD64s all with various GFX cards from nVidia and ATi with boot times of around 30-50secs.... but as you will well know, every pc is different hardware wise so issues like sloooow boots and errors, crashes can happen, until all the 3rd parties developers release updated drivers and software Vista compatible we will have many issues, I still have issue with Vista X64 but its not a MSFT problem its the 3rd party company who develop my sound card and the non-existant working drivers, so its not always MSFTs fault all the time! but its easy to label MSFT to culprit as the crosshairs are always aimed in their direction.

    While you may think I'm defending MS, well I am in many cases as they are not to blame with Vista for everything ( cannot wait for it to go retail in Jan/Feb ..... fourms will be awash with questions and issues ), but I do criticise them on some things in Vista that are just not good still and would have prefered they delay again for say 2 more builds, but next up is RTM, with the remaining bugs and fit and finish issues being resolved with updates and an SP1.
  22. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    nVidia has released WHQL Forceware drivers ver 96.85 for RC2 and up today.You can get the x86 flavour here. There are also x64 drivers available. I'm off to see what happens.:) See ya'll later!
  23. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Need help, I have downloaded RC1 all over again, and I dont have DVD cds, and I have Alcohol 120% and Daemon-Tools, can I install on a separate partition on ym hard drive from XP? I want to be able to dual boot and how would I proceed with this?
  24. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    I have successfully installed Vista (my first time installing) with Daemon tools. So, that is no problem. On the dual boot issue, perhaps this will help:

    ON a side note. To those who complain (not that I see here, but for future readers) that playing games on vista is horrible. Note my specs on my previous post. I have no issues, playing FEAR, Titan quest (yes, yes, explorer issues), and Civ iv.

    What I mean by this. The games run fine, after a few tweaks. :)
  25. rogvalcox

    rogvalcox MajorGeek

    Anybody know where I can get a driver for my Nvidia GeForce 5500, that is compatible with Vista Build 5728!?!? The available download from the Nvidia site is for build 5744 and up, only...unfortunately I am one of the unfortunate ones that can't get 5744, so I'm stuck at RC1 Build 5728...unless somebody knows something I don't!?!?

  26. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Can't help you with your card, do you have a buddy who has 5744? If so, then your key will work. Hope that helps as RC2 is closed from MS. It's weird though, my crap card accepts everything. Did you try the guru3d drivers, it may help.Ver 96.89
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2006
  27. rogvalcox

    rogvalcox MajorGeek

    Unafortunately, Auggie...I don't have too many friends...let alone one that would have 5744...and let me use it!!:) :rolleyes:

    No...actually, I don't know anyone that is as geeky as I am, that I would ask for 5744, so I'm afraid I am stuck with 5728!!

    I believe that my issues are strictly related to the fact that it is an Nvidia product!! It seems to be the general consensus that Nvidia is generally lackin stable developements!! From what I've seen...they are usually a little later in the game when they finally get it right!! Not to say their beta driver for 5744 doesn't work great....I wouldn't know because, as I said before...I can't get 5744.

    I was searching around and I found some archived beta drivers in the Nzone at the Nvidia site, but for some reason, they haven't archived what I'm looking for!! I know they did exist, because I seen them before, but for some reason I didn't grab it!?!?:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    But anyway...that's nothing unusual fro me...I'm always a day late, and a dollar short!!!!

    Thanks anyway, though!!

  28. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Don't feel bad rog, I missed the 5744 download also. :mad:

    Started downloading it one Friday morning I think and the connection I had at the time was crappy, so I decided just to download it when I got home. Bad idea, it was gone that afternoon.

  29. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Odd, I never downloaded any drivers for my nvidia card when I was using the 5728 build. Then again, I did when I was using beta 2. So, I'm guessing they carried over. You may want to see if you can't find an OLDER beta build of the nvidia drivers. For instance the beta 2 release of Vista for Nvidia.
  30. fradleyp

    fradleyp Private E-2

    anyone got a spare RC2 serial would be grately apreciated pm me
  31. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Use the RC1, same thing.
  32. feathers

    feathers Private E-2

    I did it too.......I had a ball with it. Upgraded my Windows XP Pro To Vista RC 1 on my DC7100 CMT and after a couple of months of fun my computer started dragging. Of course I was testing it to the max with different downloads and programs so I thought mayhaps I'd better clean it out and go back to the xp. crashed.....I got the blue screen of death. I haven't been able to get the xp to load. The computer is still under warranty but I would still like to work this out myself. I would think that the restore disk would have worked. But it doesn't. The restore seems to be restoring.....then when it comes to putting the xp pro disk in....that disk doesn't seem to be recognized. Back to the drawing board. Anyone got any ideas? I've scratched the hair off one side of my head. :confused:

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