What is difference between PC2100 & PC3200 ram?

Discussion in 'Software' started by pompste, Apr 20, 2005.

  1. pompste

    pompste Private First Class

    Hi,our computer manufacturer recommends we use PC2100 ram,We want to upgrade to PC3200 ram.Is there any real noticeable difference between the speeds of the ram?
    We currently have 2-256mb PC2700 sticks of ram and it works fine---we want to upgrade to 2- 512mb PC3200 sticks of ram.
    What would happen if we used PC3200 ram even though our motherboard is designed to accept PC2100 ram?
    Thank you for any information.
  2. renegadeone8

    renegadeone8 Private E-2

    depends on the mobo. if it is only made for 2100, then the mobo may slow the 3200 down to a 2100 speed. it could also run at the higher speed, which may not be good. what is the model number??
  3. TheDoug

    TheDoug MajorGeek

    There is no benefit to using faster RAM than the motherboard's specification. You are currently running your PC2700 (333MHz) RAM at PC2100 (266MHz) speed."Upgrading" to PC3200 (400MHz) would just be throwing away money-- the PC3200 would also run at 266MHz.

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