Won't automatically connect to wireless

Discussion in 'Software' started by Raskolnikov, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. Raskolnikov

    Raskolnikov Private E-2

    My wife's IBM laptop (XP Pro SP2) used to connect to our wireless immediately upon startup. Now it doesn't. In the taskbar, both the IBM signal meter and the Windows computer start with red Xs and say not connected.

    If I tell the IBM to connect, it does nothing. If I go into the Windows icon and go to advanced settings, I tell it to have Windows manage my wireless. At this point both icons in the system tray light up with full signal and the internet works perfectly. Upon restart, I go through the same thing again. I must always go back and click the box to Use Windows to Configure my Wireless Settings.

    I would love for the computer to start up with this box checked, but it won't. Based on internet search, I have read that when a computer doesn't start with this box checked, it is defaulting to the factory installed wireless card management system. I'm assuming this means the IBM wireless card. I have tried to update the driver for the card to no avail.

    As you may be able to tell, I have reached the limits of my knowledge here. Can anyone tell me how to make Windows start off managing the wireless in order to automatically connect?

    Thanks for your help.

  2. Doofus

    Doofus Private First Class

    Try this: Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Scroll down to Wireless Zero Config. "Status" should be Started, and "Startup Type" should be Automatic.
  3. hopperdave2000

    hopperdave2000 MajorGeek

    If there's an IBM Network Connection Utility or Network Configuration Wizard or maybe a Network Switching Utility (or something similar to these) installed, it will usually control connecting to the network wirelessly, over-riding the Windows built-in connection configuration/management thingy (yes, "thingy" is a technical term ;) ). Go to Add/Remove Programs and see if a program named close to what I listed above is installed; if so, remove it. It shouldn't effect your wireless adapter's driver, as it's totally seperate. Reboot, and all should be well. Just be sure that you enable the "Use Windows to configure my wireless network connection" box in your wireless properties.....

  4. Raskolnikov

    Raskolnikov Private E-2

    Thanks for the replies.

    Wireless Zero Configuration is set to start automatically. Apparently that isn't overriding the IBM utility (if that's the problem).

    Regarding the IBM utility, I believe it is IBM Access Connections that is the wireless management system. That what it says is managing my wireless when I click on the IBM wireless meter in the system tray.

    I am just concerned that if I uninstall this and it does not fix the problem, I won't be able to reinstall it. I guess I could restore back to before the uninstall.

    Do you think Windows really will take over the wireless once Access Connections is gone?

  5. hopperdave2000

    hopperdave2000 MajorGeek

    Yes. If you're worried about not being able to re-install it if needed, go to the IBM web site, and search out the driver and software downloads for your particular model BEFORE removing the Access manager. It should be available as a free download. An alternative to removing it would be to click Start > Run, type 'msconfig' without the quotes and hit Enter. Click the Startup tab and scroll thru the list 'til you find the Access Connection entry; uncheck it and reboot. That will prevent it from automatically running upon loading Windows. Then go to Control Panel > Network Connections, right click your connection and go to Properties and then click the Wireless Networks tab and make sure that the box is checked to allow Windows to configure your wireless network. After the desktop loads, a balloon should pop up by the clock saying that a wireless network has been found and to click 'here' to connect. Click there, highlight the connection, click Connect, and that should do it. If needed, go back to your connections properties, again click the Wireless Networks tab, and make sure your network is set to 'Automatic'. That should do it ;) (Is this post confusing enough for everybody? ;) It's alot easier than I made it sound).

  6. Raskolnikov

    Raskolnikov Private E-2

    I have stopped the ConnectUtilities from starting withing the System Configuration Utility (msconfig). I made sure that the box was checked for Windows to configure within the advanced settings; I also made sure that Wireless Zero Configuration was set to start automatically before I restarted the computer.

    The IBM wireless icon does not start up in the system tray, but the computer still does not automatically connect to the internet. The little computer icon in the system tray for Windows wireless still starts with a red X; it does not pop up with "wireless networks found". When I go into the advanced settings, the box for Windows to do the configuring is unchecked again. If I check it, all works well. It's just driving me crazy.

    Perhaps, stopping the IBM utility in msconfig doesn't stop everything that needs to stop in order for Windows to think that there is no other service available. An uninstall may be necessary. I will check IBM's site for the ability to reinstall, if necessary.

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