I found it out!

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by ornage, Apr 2, 2008.

  1. ornage

    ornage Private E-2

    Hello all,
    I had posted a message on someone elses thread asking how to start a thread but i found out how on my own, so thanks to all who end up replying to the question i asked.:confused

    :bangheadThe new question i have is about running MGtools, i saved it into my C:\ drive and ran the program but before it has a chance to finnish an error comes up saying: "Application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135) click on OK to terminate the application."
    I have updated windows all the way but it still says the same thing is there any way that i can finnish running this program? (I have already dled and ran the following programs: SUPERAntispyware, SpyBot - Search & Destroy, and Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. The final program that it had asked me to dl, instal, and run was MGtools but like i said it is not completeing for me. This is the final paragraph in the command prompt:

    The C:\MGTools\temp\GRKflag.txt exists. Deleting it!
    Zipping hijackthis.log
    updating: hijackthis.log (188 bytes security) (deflated 68%)
    The system cannot find the file specified.
    Could Not Find C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\procdll.txt

    :coolIf someone could help me with this that would be great!:cool
  2. ornage

    ornage Private E-2

    hmmm..... i looked into a few things an went into custom windows update and found a few updates that werent dling so maybe this will fix my problem i guess...
  3. ornage

    ornage Private E-2

    OK i am supposed to stay in this thread so i will say the problem never got fixed....i cant dl the upgrades for windows and another error pops up when i restart my computer
  4. ornage

    ornage Private E-2

    Grr.."Startup" = Error loading C:\WINDOWS\system32\dqnviwdq.dll

    :hammer:hammerwhenever i start up my computer i get an error message:
    Error loading C:\WINDOWS\system32\dqnviwdq.dll
    The specified module could not be found.

    Why is this happening...
    the other question is found in my other thread that nobody looks at named:
    I found it out!
    could someone point me in the right direction i'm not a noob, but i'm not a major either.:banghead:banghead
  5. ornage

    ornage Private E-2

    Re: Grr.."Startup" = Error loading C:\WINDOWS\system32\dqnviwdq.dll

    O....and i didnt really find it out...just thought i did...:eek:
  6. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    With you getting this error

    You do not have .Net installed which is needed for MGTools to work.

    Above taken from the Using MGTools guide.

    .Net 2.0 SP1 manual download.

    Also do note that bumping your thread will lead to your question.. YES going to the 1st page of the malware forum, but in effect is going to the back of the Malware Experts work queue as they work from oldest threads to newest.

    Don't Bump! It Only Hurts You!!!
  7. ornage

    ornage Private E-2

    Thanks a million that fixed my problem, now i can feel better at night. lol
  8. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Are you still having the problem mentioned in message # 4? That is cause by a Vundo infection. You really should complete the instructions in the current READ & RUN ME and attach the logs that are requested just to be safe.
  9. ornage

    ornage Private E-2

    haha i just figured out that there was more to the MGtools than i first saw here is the log that i am supposed to attach for mgtools hopefully it is ok.:D

    Attached Files:

  10. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    No you did not eactly attach what was requested. We do not ask for a HijackThis log. In addition to the two other logs you attached, we need the ComboFix log and the MGlogs.zip file <<< this is the log from MGtools.exe being run and it is the log that is currently the most necessary.

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