hi all, newbie member

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by dean.smith, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. dean.smith

    dean.smith Private E-2

    Hi, would just like to say hello to everyone that uses this site, i have finally found somewhere where i hope i can get the answers i need, and also find out answers to any software questions i have, if only i found this site earlier. i have posted a new thread or post not quite sure what to call it!!!!!! was just wondering if anyone can check it for and let me know that i have posted it correctly as this is the first time i have attempted anything like this.

    thank you to all and evryone who reads this and hope you have a good day.


  2. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Welcome aboard Dean, your post in malware looks OK. Now the hard part is the waiting, as they take the posts from oldest first and they're quite busy as you can see. Good luck man.:)
  3. sambi

    sambi Private E-2

    Hi there.
    My name is Sam. I've owned a computer for a fair while, but i've only been on the internet a couple of months. I don't now much about the net and i've got some sort of virus problems since i've gone on the net. Hoping some one can help me with what i should istall to fix these roblems. ( I have regestry problems, and i'm not sure what else).

    Yours hopefully Sam.
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Sam

    Welcome to Major Geeks!

    Please follow the instructions in the READ & RUN ME FIRST link given futher down and attach the requested logs when you finish these instructions.
    • If you have problems where no tools seem to run, please try following the steps given in the below and then continue on no matter what you find. You only need to try the TDSSserv steps if having problems getting scans in the Read & Run Me First.
    • If something does not run, write down the info to explain to us later but keep on going.
    • Do not assume that because one step does not work that they all will not.
    READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide


    1. If you run into problems trying to run the READ & RUN ME or any of the scans in normal boot mode. You can run steps in safe boot mode but make sure you tell us what you did later when you post logs. See the below if you do not know how to boot in safe mode:
    2. If you have problems downloading on the problem PC, download the tools on another PC and burn to a CD. Then copy them to the problem PC. You will have to skip getting updates if (and only if) your internet connection does not work. Yes you could use a flash drive too but flash drives are writeable and infections can spread to them.

    Once finished please start a new thread in the Malware Forum plus a guide on how to attach the logs HOW TO: Attach Items To Your Post
  5. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    a warm welcome to new arrivals :)
  6. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Good day to both of you. :wave When I first came here, on a friend's reccommendation, I had malware problems. Do as Halo has suggested and follow the READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide. Took me a while but the results are well worth it.
  7. dean.smith

    dean.smith Private E-2

    thanx kestrel, just wanted to say nice quote, as i alwaysd have said that music is felt and not just heard !!
  8. jblim1980

    jblim1980 Private First Class

    welcome dean
  9. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome aboard..
  10. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Welcome dean.smith
    I know you'll enjoy you're time here. There's a great bunch of characters here.AND they are very helpful.
  11. sambi

    sambi Private E-2

    TO whoeveres ther. I don't know my way around yet but I look forward to talking to you . especially if youuan help my virus problems.
  12. sambi

    sambi Private E-2

    Hi there, Sam here:

    don't know Where to write.
  13. sambi

    sambi Private E-2

    I wrote my last letter to my sister beause I dont now who to email at major geeks
  14. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

  15. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    So true :) I always have my music on in the background, it uplifts me and if i turn the volume up loud enough I can most certainly "feel" it :-D
  16. KathyM

    KathyM Master Sergeant

    :wave Welcome to you both at MG's!! You have come to the right place to ask questions and also to get solutions to your problems.....great people here!!!:)

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