Bugs! and now what

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by shivagreg, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. shivagreg

    shivagreg Private E-2

    Hi, Guys!
    I'm a total newbie here. Found the site (like many others, surely), trying to get rid of malware I'd picked up. I followed the instructions sequentially, about cleaning the machine and getting rid of files, etc. Downloaded the five programs and ran them, with
    the SAS program picking up a couple of browser hijackers, and two trojans.
    What I don't know - not knowing how to interpret the logs - is if my computer is now bug free (though MUCH improved).
    Is this where I attach the logs?
    VERY appreciative of the focus and help offered here by everyone.
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hello and Welcome to MGs :)

    If you have performed all steps of the Read and Run Me thread, then follow Step 3 if you are not sure about your computer being completely clean:

    Step 3: Do You Still Have Problems
    • Yes, I’m still having problems
      • DO NOT run the READ ME again!!!! Please attach your logs as given below.
      • If you do not already have a thread started, start a new thread otherwise post the following in your original thread. Clearly describe in detail the problems you are having and how long ago they started. Think about what you were doing at the time.
      • Now you need to attach (See: HOW TO: Attach Items To Your Post ) the below logs created while running the above scans
        • SASlog.txt log from SuperAntiSpyware.
        • Malwarebytes Anti-Malware log
        • ComboFix.txt (normally C:\ComboFix.txt)
        • RRlog.txt (from RootRepeal)
        • MGlogs.zip - normally it is C:\MGlogs.zip - only attach this log from MGtools.exe DO NOT attach any logs seen in the MGtools folder.
      • You should attach all of your logs in two messages after you have completed all scans. You need two messages since only 4 attachments are allowed in a single message.
      • Be patient after posting your logs and wait for one of the helpers to get to you. It can take a while to read thru all of the logs and to create individual fixes for you.
      • Also DO NOT BUMP your thread to try and get a faster answer. This will actually significantly delay getting an answer. See this: Don't Bump! It Only Hurts You!!!
  3. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks.
    The people here are the best and will help get you back in shape.
    As previously advised, be patient,as there are only so many working that field. It may take a while for one to get to your post.
  4. shivagreg

    shivagreg Private E-2

    Thank you Laura & Dom. I should start a new thread in the Malware forum, attaching the 5 logs in two different posts, if I've got it right. And that includes the entire MGlogs.zip file . . .?
    I'll get them together now - and thanks again
  5. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    ....and welcome:wave
  6. shivagreg

    shivagreg Private E-2

    Hi, hrlow2 -
    Yeah, good vibe here, a comfy place to hang, it seems . .
  7. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Darn right its comfy.
    Just gets better the longer you hang around.
  8. shivagreg

    shivagreg Private E-2

    Thank you, Dom - uh, how do I take this thread over there? Sorry . .
  9. shivagreg

    shivagreg Private E-2

    OK, got it, I think . .
  10. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Also, please make sure to post the logs as 'attachments'. If you are not sure about how to do so, there is a link in my above post that give you instructions on how to do so.

    Additionally, please be prepared to wait a few days. They are extremely busy in there. You will be well taken care of by one of the malware experts, so please do not worry if your thread appears as if it's being ignored. It is not. They take oldest threads first. So, once your logs are posted, do Not post in your thread again.
  11. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    You can relax in the Lounge area and get to know some of the people here.
    Some are quite entertaining.
  12. shivagreg

    shivagreg Private E-2

    Sorry, Dom, was confused . . . thought I was to take this thread over there, but that's not what you said, I now see . . .
    Got it, Drill Sgt. Laura!
    Thank you, once again, for taking the time to help me out, here.
    Soon as I figure out this attachment thing, I'll go hang out in the lounge with hrlow2 and the gang.
    Blessings to all -
  13. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Good deal. ;)

    They'll get you all sorted.
  14. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    You think so,do you?:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D
  15. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Just kidding on the last post.
    Will let them get used to the place in a friendly way, with friendly people.
    And we will be friendly.Or else. Superiour_Peace.jpg
  16. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Theres some processed meat product looking for some bread.
  17. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Ok hrlow I think you got your point across:p:-D you're scaring the guy:eek
  18. shivagreg

    shivagreg Private E-2

    OK! Finally got it organizized; it's now tomorrow . . .and the smart folks are asleep.
    Anyway, thanks for the warm welcome, guys (assume bigtrucks is
    guy). And, at this point, I feel like a hunk of Spam . . . or scrapple, or something . . .

    Hasta man~ana, amigos
  19. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Welcome to MajorGeeks, Shiva :wave

    Youassume wrong, my friend. Bt is one of the Sorority who finds it necessary to keep us dudes in check at every possible opportunity.

    You will when bigtrucks finds out you called her a gadgee.....[/quote]

    Sorry, I don't speak French. :p

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