sup all

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Wraithwolf, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. Wraithwolf

    Wraithwolf Private E-2

    hey guys, new to the forum! what brought me here was an unresolved maleware problem with a virus named gff6.exe, where the poster ended up formatting without resolving the issue.

    Iv taken it upon myself to battle this cursed thing since i have no choice until I get my windows 7 next week. going through Starcraft 2 withdrawals:cry

    i seems to be new and causing lots of problems, iv managed to sort of get rid of it without virus scans and maleware removal tools, since they just cant seem to pick it up. i tried ALOT, its all manual.

    my internet has been going strong for 6 hours, compared to the 20 minute lifespan it had when i just got the maleware. gonna leave it running the whole night, if its good will post the final reply on how to resolve it.

    I hope my advise helps in the future with this issue, i pray it dosent become a big threat on the net, can really stuff up your OS...

    i also know a few tricks with windows xp, hope i can help others with diffrent issues...
  2. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Greetings, Wraithwolf.

    If your fix doesn't pan out, I'd suggest going through the Malware Forum's Read & Run Me First thread, and posting your logs in that forum in a new thread - some good people there.

    By all means, jump into the Support Forums - we can use all the help we can get.

    Welcome to MG! :major
  3. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks.
    Feel free to help in any of the forums EXCEPT in the Malware forum.
    Only trained and qualified experts are permitted to respond there.
  4. brandypeppy

    brandypeppy MajorGeek

    Hello Wolfy!

    Help in the forums, not malware of course, is always welcomed and appreciated!

    Tackle any problems you have experience with. There are always unanswered questions out there. :)
  5. Wraithwolf

    Wraithwolf Private E-2

    Thanks guys for the warm welcome:)

    Im pleased to write that I resolved the issue with gff6.exe and even got sytem restore working aswell to boot!

    If anyone is interested read my post about gff6.exe

    It can help with other genral issues aswell

    I posted a summary, just waiting for the mods to approve.

    Thanks guys for ccleaner, Iv been looking for a freeware utility this good for a while!:major
    unfortunatly it does not fix gff6.exe
  6. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    No but perhaps if you had bothered to run the procedures READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide we could have gotten to solve things more quickly.

    But you turned your request for help into a bit of a tutorial, and offered out some pretty vague advice with manual malware removal, and explained that you had fixed the issue yourself so I deleted your thread as I would rather have folks seeking assistance run things our own way.

    So no offence.
  7. Wraithwolf

    Wraithwolf Private E-2

    unfortunatley the thread got deleted, my advice was "dangerous" so i dont think the summary will be posted. vaaidyaas was forced to format, i did not. that says enough... is there any moderator i can speak to about this? I feel strongly it can help other users with the same problem, oh yeah my pc is still running, and better thats how "dangerous my advice is, i knew what i was doing
  8. Wraithwolf

    Wraithwolf Private E-2

    Read the post by vaaidyaas, you did not solve his issue quickly, infact not at all, and I only got a reply after 2 days
  9. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    to Wraithwolf
    Experiment on your machine if you want, but if I ever need any help, I'll go to the TRAINED experts that know what they are doing.
    The malware fighters here have been doing an outstanding job and deserve praise for the effort and time they put in as volunteers.
    Kudos to the entire team.
  10. Wraithwolf

    Wraithwolf Private E-2

    I know guys, did anyone stop to think that maybe I am trained? and its more like experimenting with my OS, not my machine it was nothing harware realated, because i happened to have studied software and i am an EXPERT.

    It is nothing Personal with kestral13, im aware the mods are Voluntary, and work hard to help any poster, she is just doing what she is supposed to and does it good, dispite what you think i did read the read and run me first, it helped me save time in avoiding everything they tried with vaaidyaas...

    I just wish anyone with XP that has the same problem should try it, if it cant get resolved thats all.
  11. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    No, because it was the OP's decision to format! :) We would have continued. You only got a reply after two days because you kept adding posts to your own thread which was just bumping as explained. ;)

    If you were trained in malware removal you would not have needed to post in the first place. As explained, you should have simply attached your logs as requested... but let's let it lie now unless you are still experiencing issues which may require our assistance, in which case you can open a new thread and attach those logs.
  12. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Your thread got deleted for the same reason that we only allow approved helpers to aid people in the Malware forum. We have a standard of doing things that has worked for years and helped thousands who have come for help in removing malware from their computers.

    Its wonderful that you were able to clean your own machine. Not all computers are the same nor is the malware infecting them. Manual removal that works for one machine is not going to necessarily work for another (which judging by your response I'm sure you know). People are given individualized attention here from our volunteers...which is why it sometimes takes a couple of days for those asking for help to get an answer.

    If you are in fact an expert in removal, you may want to read this thread: Becoming A Malware Forum Helper

    While you may not agree with our stance on this, it Is strictly adhered to.
  13. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Thankyou Laura, you have a much better way with words than I do.
  14. Wraithwolf

    Wraithwolf Private E-2

    Thanks LauraR thats all the info i needed, Iv studied computer programming
    and a software expert, unfortunatly not malware removal, thats why i posted to major geeks because i saw the thread and thought it would be helpful to post my progress, i apologised for bumping in the deleted thread because i was using the infected PC i had no choice.

    The first thing I was taught was to find the problem, which was the first threads I posted, after you find the problem, you make the solution. that was my summary. it was an easy 15 step by step proccess to delete gff6.exe and restore your system restore specifically for windows xp users as i stated in the summary.

    When it came to your read and run me, I could not do the things requested
    as i was using the infected PC, i had about 20 min internet time and downloading apps was not an option. sorry if i missed a few facts because of the crashes. didnt mean to be so much trouble;) i also was expecting assistance which i didnt get so i had to procceed by myself

    Thanks again lauraR for laying it out for me, you are alot more
    Thorough than kestrel.

    To kestral13

    maybe you would have got a better response from me if you wern't so rude in the deleted thread;), i dont have to prove anything to you.:wave
    posting logs didnt help vaaidyaas, and maybe he formatted because he was Fed up with all the typing and maintenance;) IT WAS NOT WORKING
    If you had layed it out like lauraR and gave me a better reason as to why you deleted it instead of rather making it sound selfish:
    "I would rather have folks seeking assistance run things our own way."
    I would of replied more kindly, learn customer care darling:p

    to hrlow2

    Judging from you signiture you could learn a thing or two from me, you can go to your trained "Professionals', google isnt it? :-D my free tech support email was been doing well for awhile;) me and my boys apparently need all the help we can get:confused

    you can learn what ever you want about computers, it still wont be enough;)

    I know my rudeness is not appreciated, but after all the time i spent typing on this forum just for it to get deleted, who would not be angry? I wasn't even giving a chance. I hope this virus pesters you guys for eternity.

    I might have considered helping the site with software issues, not anymore after kestral and hrlow's reply's, im not bothered...
  15. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Hey, welcome aboard Wraithwolf. Enjoy the site.:)
  16. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Good. Because neither am I.
  17. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    I am sorry you were offended by anyone. That is not our purpose here. We welcome members, esp. ones that have proven knowledge with helping others.

    We have a very well proven method of doing things in the malware forum. Your method to remove your malware issue may have been well thought out, but it does not necc. mean that it would work for anyone else. There have been numerous threads started by people who have what they think is the best way to deal with a particular infection. This is not always the case. Systems vary as does the infections.

    You had a wait time to get a response because we work oldest threads to newest. That means that each post made to a thread moves it back to the end of the work order. And to compare on thread as an example of our methods is not an accurate point of view.

    I hope you decide to stay with us.

    I have reopened your thread.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  18. Wraithwolf

    Wraithwolf Private E-2

    Thank you TIMW, i admit the first posts are a bit rough since i was trying to find the problem If you want to allow me to post the summary, its much more accurate and thorough, I can also add some warnings to tell users to do your procedures first, if it dosent help then they must try the steps after a successful backup, and only for SP3 users.

    I did not mind not getting assistance, I figured the problem is not easily solved, didnt realise my bumping was knocking the thread back.

    Thanks again TIMW for enabling my thread, though the summary is safer and would prefer it replaced with that thread, lots of typo's and mistakes because i was not allowed to edit them.

    I apologise to kestral13 and hrlow2 for my rudeness, it didnt solve anything:)
  19. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    For my part, it's OK.
    I have a very thick hide.
    Almost as thick as my head.

    Also sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way.
  20. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    You are welcome. Sometimes things start off on the wrong foot and can get misinterpreted. Do stick around as we could use someone that is familiar with software issues!! ;)
  21. ShelaghRoyale

    ShelaghRoyale Sergeant

    Welcome to the forum Wraithwolf :wave

  22. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    I was not rude.

    Some days I would rather tell it how it is rather than sugar coating it, straight to the point as it were.

    If you are addressing me by this statement, then yes, I am offended.

    Anyway.... rolleyes Enough said on the matter, if you still require malware assistance you can turn to TimW ;)
  23. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    No problem, thanks for that, it means something. It's tough out there doing what we are doing and I was only trying to make things easier for you. I know I linked to a bad example with the thread where the OP formatted however I was just trying to highlight the fix we used, utilising combofix etc. Who knows if we had persevered maybe we could have straightened things out.

    Unfortunately it is far too easy to get yourself infected, fixing it is not always the "magic wand" effect we want. Alot people who come here asking for help do not know one end of the OS from another sadly, so manual removal is out of the question in most cases. As stated, we have our procedures and we try to adhere to them as much as is possible.

    My deleting your thread was perhaps a bit hasty but I didn't want people following advice that was written down in haste, vague comments about which registry keys to delete, methods to access safe mode which are not preferred etc... Anyway, good luck with your issues. :)
  24. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    to Kestrel.
    I believe the "trained professionals" remark was aimed my way.
    What I know is from studying and reading the threads and LOTS of practice with even more "hands-on" experience.
    I can clean one up as well as the next person, but that doesn't keep the other person from messing it up again.
    Proud to be able to say that my personal machine has never had an infection other than a few tracking cookies.

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