Hello Everyone!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Nishua, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. Nishua

    Nishua Private E-2

    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Naijshua aka Nishua, and I work in the IT industry. I've decided to join this forum because I feel like I should hone up my skills when it comes to malware detection, removal, and cleaning. I also would like to hone up my skills on virus detection, removal, and cleaning. Thanks for having me and if anyone needs any help with anything, I'll try my best to assist with anything. Please feel free to say hi and have a Happy Friday. :cool

    Best Wishes,
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome to Major Geeks.:)

    Just as an fyi, you will not be able to post in our Malware forum. Only our trained experts are permitted to respond in there so as to protect peoples' computers and lessen the confusion of having people in there who really don't know what they are doing. But feel free to take a look at the threads and see what the procedures are as far as cleaning malware from people's machines.
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi and Welcome to the forum,

    Great that you have joined and do please jump in on threads and assistance for other members that may need your expertise,

    The Malware forum is special in that you have to be an authorised user to post into this section, or a very capable user in removing malware.

    Reason we changed the policy of anyone replying to malware questions was that it became a mess/confusing when multiple users posted their advice and a fair amount of it was wrong and could have made matters worse. Which is why as you will agree its best to have continuity in helping someone remove malware from their PC.

    So only the thread originating member and an authorised malware expert here can answer the threads/questions in the malware forum, if you wish to join our team then the below link should help.

    Becoming A Malware Forum Helper
  4. Nishua

    Nishua Private E-2

    Thanks guys. I'll just read and learn for now. I'm way too inexperienced when it comes to these things to assist anyone.

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