Acer Aspire 6935 laptop battery not charging

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by fidele, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. fidele

    fidele Private E-2

    I purchased a new battery for my 1+ year old Acer laptop because it was not holding the charge anymore. After I placed the new battery in my laptop, as requested by the selling person, I left the laptop plugged in overnight without turning it on. Once I turned it on the battery only marked 48%. I worked on the laptop while it was plugged in and it was marking charging but it was in fact not getting any higher charge. I unplugged the AC where the power started to go down. At 39% the screen dime down so I replugged the laptop to get the battery to charge but it stayed at 39% even if says that it's charging. I have followed a the CMOS reeboot method and it didn't change anything. Can someone help me? Thanks
  2. gman863

    gman863 MajorGeek

    It sounds like the new battery is defective. I would return it to the seller for a replacement under warranty.
  3. fidele

    fidele Private E-2

    I already return one battery and got this one. When I met the saleman he told me that it could my laptop BIOS or CMOS that does not recognize this new battery. I have tried the uninstalled battery in the Device Manager and it starts to show that the battery starts charging but stops charging a few seconds later.
  4. jlphlp

    jlphlp Master Sergeant

    Hi Fidele,

    Will it run without the battery and the AC adaptor plugged in? If not the adaptor is bad and will not charge the battery.

    Good Luck, Jim
  5. fidele

    fidele Private E-2

    Yes if it,s plugged in it will run my laptop without the battery. Thanks any other suggestion will be appriciated.
  6. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    What were the specs on the old Acer battery (the one that would no longer hold a charge)?
    It should be one of these two choices, I think.
    Please also mention the volts. I can't seem to find what it is. Some sites show 14.4V, 14.8V, 11.1V and 10.8V.
    What are the specs on the replacement battery you purchased?

    These can be found on the tag on the batteries.

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