Acer aspire 7540g strange lines on screen

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ccecroydon, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. ccecroydon

    ccecroydon Private E-2


    My Acer aspire 7540g laptop is displaying vertical column of stranges lines down the middle of the after about 20mins of watching a DVD or playing a game.

    The GFX card is a ATI Mobility HD 4570. I originally thought it was a driver issuse so I updated the drivers from the ATI website but alas it is still having the same problem. The weird thing is that the lines dont display on an external monitor only on the laptop screen.

    The laptop base isnt hot either so I dont think its overheating etc

    Any one have any ideas what it might be?
  2. falconattack

    falconattack Command Sergeant Major

    Hi , maybe the screen is the problem , inverter or the socket which connect the motherboard with screen is dead or it's false contact , wait for a second opinion !! :wave
  3. ccecroydon

    ccecroydon Private E-2

    hi thnx for the response. Ive uploaded a pic to help too

  4. falconattack

    falconattack Command Sergeant Major

    Did you hit it anywhere , for instance on the wall ? :confused
  5. ccecroydon

    ccecroydon Private E-2

    no. The lines start to appear after some use
  6. falconattack

    falconattack Command Sergeant Major

  7. ccecroydon

    ccecroydon Private E-2

    when you say if the cable is ok what sort of things should I look out for?
  8. falconattack

    falconattack Command Sergeant Major

    There is a switch connection , look this , perchaps is cable is demage or the socket is not connected well , unplug and plug the switch looking if screen will be better after that !! :)
  9. ccecroydon

    ccecroydon Private E-2

    ok thnx for the help mate
  10. falconattack

    falconattack Command Sergeant Major

    Thanks , i am waiting for you told us what happend !! :wave
  11. ccecroydon

    ccecroydon Private E-2

    I opened it up and checked the cable and cant see anything wrong with it. Gave it a blow and plugged it back in so just waiting to see if it does the dreaded problem.

    I did think the way the wiring of the cable was quite sharp at one end where it turns. Like its almost squashing the cables too much.
  12. ccecroydon

    ccecroydon Private E-2

    After 4hrs of it being on it the problem has started again. sigh
  13. iain.t

    iain.t MajorGeek

    Is your Acer still under warranty as it looks like it is a fairly new machine ?? though if it is you may have broke the warranty terms and conditions by opening it up!! :( , if it is still under warranty (you can check this here.. Your Acer Advantage), to book it for a fix look here.. .
    As you say the issue does not replicate itself on an external monitor it rules out any issue that could be arising from a faulty gpu chip. If you're not under warranty then look around for a cheap replacement screen, after checking that all the cables are sitting correctly first, here is a service manual for helping you to disassemble your machine to check cables and how to remove the screen .... ....(though this is for a 7520 it is the exact same set up as yours)... when you have the screen detached from the main unit lay it flat on its back, on the screen bezel you will see 4 little round rubber stopper plugs, flick these out to expose the screws underneath, remove the screws carefully and very very very gently prise the screen bezel this is usually tricky to do the first time as there is a sticky strip runs around the full edge of the bezel, I usually use a plectrum/guitar pick to "ease" the bezel apart, show peticular care to the area where your webcam is as these are very fragile and expensive to replace,when you have the bezel apart and the screen fixings expose, remove the 4 screws that are securing the screen into the frame, reverse the procedure to to put the machine back together, it is advisable that you document and sort screws into boxes (i use an old medicine dosage box and lable each compartment for each set of screws ;) ) document how you remove each part by using a digital camera either by still shots or video, if you get stuck then you have tis to fall back on ;).

    Good Luck !!!
  14. falconattack

    falconattack Command Sergeant Major

    When you disassembly the panel ( screen ) , there is a code behind the screen , you need to write it because there is some different screen models , after that ebay is you problem solution !! :cool

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