Another Realtek HD Audio Manager Thread.

Discussion in 'Software' started by Yuruka, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. Yuruka

    Yuruka Private E-2

    Ah, how nostalgic.

    I just installed Windows 7, and I have no audio now ^^.

    Even with the sound card plugged in (the old one) and the mother board plugged in.

    I hate microsoft :)

    I'm not asking for help, when I find a fix I'm going to post it here and keep updating so people with this problem can fix it too.
  2. Yuruka

    Yuruka Private E-2

    okay I contradicted myself, I'm trying to install the drivers for a seperate "Creative Labs Audio PCI" card I have installed, and it's not working properly.

  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Sadly cannot this time blame Microsoft for this as Windows 7 is beta* still and its up to the makers of 3rd party hardware to develop suitable drivers for this version of Windows, if your using the build 6.1.7000 then maybe wait for the official RC build and any build other than using 7000 at present is likely to be a build designed for OEMs and Partners and as such are to fix or test specific issues and amy not work correctly, which is why wait for Official RC build.

    But you can try installing the Vista version of the Driver for that card of yours from here if available (depending on how new this card is and if it has a Vista compatible driver available from Creative), but make sure you have installed the Motherboard Chipset first.

    To find the correct model ID of your card this may help

    Or if you are still using the same motherboard as you where using at start of this thread then, re-enable the onboard sound and install the Vista driver for it as Gigabyte do support Vista and in the main (not always) Vista drivers will work in Windows 7.

    *beta is for test purposes and will have issues with some drivers and hardware/software, which is why a beta phase happens in order to iron out as many bugs and issues as possible.

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