Cannot re-install McAffee

Discussion in 'Software' started by mrsgarde, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. mrsgarde

    mrsgarde Private E-2

    I uninstalled McAfee becasue I thought it was slowing my computer down, and i installed AVG and Online Armor. Well, after those were installed, it seems my computer was running even slower. I uninstalled AVG and ONline armor and tried reinstalling McAfee, and every time I try, it ends up almost getting done and ten telling me there is an error and is unable to continue with the installation this is what it says:
    "McAfee Integrated Security Platform Installer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
    Then it stops the installation. what do I do??? Since then Ive reinstalled AVG becasue I want to have some sort of protection on my computer. I should have never uninstalled McAfee in the first place!!!!!!!
  2. akhilles

    akhilles First Sergeant

    What os? Try emptying your temp folder on your account and restarting pc. Some temp files can't be deleted until after a restart.
  3. mrsgarde

    mrsgarde Private E-2

    After using the uninstall tool, it worked! I was able to reinstall it. Thanks!!

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