CPU & mb choice

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by PghPittViper, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. PghPittViper

    PghPittViper Private E-2

    I have been on tigerdirect looking at mb's and cpu's, and have been looking at the combo kit that is the: EVGA nForce 780i SLI Motherboard CPU Bundle - Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650 3.0GHz Processor Retail

    Is this a good choice, or should I go with something different. It is a big price jump from the c2q 2.4ghz.

  2. Wyatt_Earp

    Wyatt_Earp MajorGeek

    The first question to answer is... What is it you want to use the computer for?
  3. PghPittViper

    PghPittViper Private E-2

    Thanks for replying.

    I will be using this pc for serious gaming, as well as music file management, downloading music, video, pix and the lot. Much web surfing, usenet news as well. I am just getting into gaming, and want a pc that can handle anything that I throw at it.

    I definitely want the processor to be at least 3ghz. If I get the c2q 2.4, which is much more cost effective, what do you think I can overclock it to?

    I am new to oc'ing as well, and have been reading much here.


  4. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    I think the 2.4 will be more than sufficient. Current software is just now starting to catch up with the dual core CPUs and will be probably a year or two until the quads begin to be fully supported by software. Personally, I would save the dough with the 2.4 and invest the savings in more RAM, a rockin' video card (or a 2nd one for SLI), pumpin' sound card and speakers, or just save the money for a future upgrade.
  5. PghPittViper

    PghPittViper Private E-2

    How about oc'in the 2.4Quad. The reviews say that it is easily overclockable.

    Where would I start. Feel free to list your numbers used in your oc. Like, fsb, multiplier, if you had to raise voltages, etc.

  6. Wyatt_Earp

    Wyatt_Earp MajorGeek

    IMO, the best value for a processor right now is the C2D E8400. It's 3Ghz and will perform within 3-4% of the QX9650 according to Tom's Hardware in the gaming benchmarks. Not to mention, it performs a good bit faster than the Q6600. (7-20% faster) The E8400 costs about $800 less. To me, it's a no brainer. I would have to agree with dlb that your money will be MUCH better spent on a faster (or a second) video card and/or some more memory or even a bigger monitor.

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