Cruzer Glide Removable Memory Issue

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by munkie, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. munkie

    munkie Private E-2

    Okay, so here's the situation, I have a Sandisk Cruzerglide 32 GB USB drive that my 64bit Windows 7 Ultimate can't access. It shows up as Sandisk whatever in the device manager, and it even shows up in disk management. I've changed the drive letter in disk management, I uninstall and reinstall in device manager and nothing. The only way I've found to get a little bit of use from my removable memory is I have to take to my old XP computer, reformat, then plug it into my Win7 machine, reformat again, and only then is it usable. But..., it's only usable until the first time I unplug it from the Win7 machine. And, something else that I've just noticed is that whenever it's plugged in, all of my USB slots have the yellow exclamation mark in device manager. Anybody have any clue what the problem is here? I'm thinking virus on my memory stick, but nothing shows up in McAfee, or System Mechanic or Bitdefender on XP machine.
  2. gman863

    gman863 MajorGeek

    My guess is the USB stick itself has problems. I checked 32GB Sandisk models on Newegg and they have dismal user reviews.

    If you still have the receipt, I'd send it back to Sandisk for replacement under warranty. If you buy a replacement, I'd consider this one:

    I use this model at my shop for data backup on customer's PCs - decent speed and quality.

    Hope this helps. :)
  3. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  4. munkie

    munkie Private E-2

    This has worked like a charm. Question though, is this something I'm gonna have to do fairly often or is it a permanent fix? By permanent, I assume this error was from something I did, I mean as long as I don't do something in particular again, problem solved? Another question, what caused this?
  5. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    I don't think so.
    I had to do this once on an ancient 98SE computer and SanDisk gave me instructions. If memory serves me correctly, once and done was it. All the corrupt entries were gone and the stick worked fine after that.
  6. munkie

    munkie Private E-2

    Awesome. Much thanks for that fix. It actually fixed a lot more than I was counting on. I never noticed until now, but I have more access to my smartphone, with a game controller and several other USB devices.

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