Does This Sound Like Malware?

Discussion in 'Malware Help - Public (Anyone Can Post & Respond)' started by SusieQueue, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. SusieQueue

    SusieQueue Private E-2

    I am posting here because I have tried other forums and they haven't found anything but I think there may be a backdoor that is really hard to detect on the computer. I have noticed that sometimes when I sign in to webmail, the sender name is incorrect and when I refresh the mail the correct sender name shows up. Some email texts I receive have ??? or personal information in them like user names etc. and seem like they don't belong in the emails or were inserted by someone. Also, when I search for something specific on youtube the results don't match what I am searching for and they also have personal information in them. Any help given would be greatly appreciated.
  2. mdonah

    mdonah Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Could you please supply more information such as the version of Windows you're running, the browser you're using and which webmail you're using?
  3. SusieQueue

    SusieQueue Private E-2

    Windows 10, Internet Explorer 11, and EarthLink. I also had those problems with gmail and aol webmail.
  4. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    If you have even the slightest belief Malware is involved, then the quickest and best thing to do is run all the scans in the Major Geeks Red & Run Me First Malware Guide, and then after you have completed them, attach the scan logs in a new thread in the Specialist Malware Forum where a trained Malware Expert will advise you further - don't post anything here in this general forum.
  5. SusieQueue

    SusieQueue Private E-2

    Posted in "Welcome And Using This Forum" by Major Attitude (Co-Owner of MajorGeeks.Com):

    "This forum allows anyone to post and anyone to respond. It is designed primarily for those who are not hardcore geeks and had difficulty, or didn't want to, follow the README FIRST instructions in the other forum."
  6. mdonah

    mdonah Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Have you tried another browser such as Firefox or Chrome to see if your problem occurs there as well? I ask because if it does, there is a PUP (potentially unwanted program) which might have installed itself. If that's the case, you may be better off going to the other, specialist malware removal forum and going through the read and run me first as Max Turner suggested.
  7. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    Ruling out Malware straight away is what I would do if it was one of my systems or any that I maintain.
    But you must do what you think is best
  8. SusieQueue

    SusieQueue Private E-2

    Thanks, I'll try that. I tried it once before, but problems have escalated since then.

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