Dont be shy

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Major Attitude, May 20, 2006.

  1. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    We dont bite... though we are known to lick occasionally. Hopefully you will introduce yourself here as we know it can be intimidating to have your first post be in a specific forum with members that have hundred, even thousands of posts. You will find we are a friendly group here :)

    You can reply to this thread, OR start a new one if you like. Tell us as little or as much as you want!
    Last edited: May 20, 2006
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    I have a nasty lick! but I am friendly :)
  3. BCGray

    BCGray Guest

    I am just a newbie to this site myself, but I must tell all newcomers, that Major Geeks is the best resource sight on the net. The whole sight ROCKS, the people who inhabit this domain are great. The Knowledge and great info I have gained from this site in just the past month are to numerous to mention here. So I to welcome you to a fabulous site, and please treat your fellow Geeks as kindly and courteously as I have been treated, there great people. Remeber your problems solution is just a post away on MG.:)
  4. Heather Ann

    Heather Ann Private E-2

    Wow, the service around here is fantastic!

    Well, I'll give a little recap and extended bio for the thread -

    My name is Heather. I'm a computer technician and I write a sassy column that has very little to do with technology, but is supposed to.
    When looking to release the pent up energy from supporting ppl all day, I beat b*ches on skates. Which is why I founded a Roller Derby league.

    I do bite.
    (but you'll like it.)

  5. Heather Ann

    Heather Ann Private E-2

    oh and I'm married. He's a 3D animator and doesn't let me bite strangers...y'all are prolly lucky.
  6. Novice

    Novice MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks Heather Ann!:)
  7. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    Touch me I bite ;)
  8. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    Hmmm im not new but w/e, ill give everyone a lil info on me:

    My name is Andrew, Im a junior in high school, and according to my parents i spend way too much time on the computer :D In a few years im planning on majoring in computers, not exactly sure what field tho, possibly computer science, repair etc.

    Love this site, its my home away from home :cool: Learned a lot of sweet things. W00T!
  9. JoeN

    JoeN Corporal

    Just to reinforce what has already been said, this is the BEST Forum on the "Net" for fast, reliable help, I'm retired and have only been a computer user for 6 years, I'm pretty much self taught about computing and with the help I've received here since joining MG's have gained enough confidence to start a "build" for my own computer, of course with "much" help from long time Major Geeks -

    It's a GREAT Family, join in !!!!!

  10. Bold Eagle

    Bold Eagle MajorGeek

    I'm 38 and have only been using modern computers (had Amiga 500) for about 6 years didn't even know what internet or google was at this time and gave my mate a strange look when he said it me (I'll google you, lol). Anyway bought my first New Computer August last year and was just an owner at that stage, started experiencing overheating alarms and have evolved from there.

    This is the BEST REFRENCE/RESOURCE SITE THERE IS, I am a recently Graduated Scientist who has been awarded paid scholarships, not sounding my own horn but implying I'm not a silly bugger and don't make above statement lightly!!!!:)
  11. Cam&Shani

    Cam&Shani Private E-2

    Hi, I've been on Major Geeks for a couple months, but have never formally introduced myself.

    I'm Shanna, married with two little girls (2 1/2y and 6mths) and live in Australia. Not much of a tech really, fairly basic computer knowledge, but willing to learn what I can and keen to look after my computer myself (I originally found MG'd trying to find out how to fix a malware problem) - only problem being most ppl that Iknow who "know" how to do the stuff, can't be bothered sharing it or just think I wouldn't get it(or don't really know as much as they make out lol).

    It's so great that everyone here is happy to help even when you ask really dumb (I'm sure they are dumb) questions and are willing to spell it out to you even when you haven't got the faintest idea. So thank-you to everyone I've dealt with!! You've all been fantastic.

    I think I feel too stupid to feel entirely at home here yet, but hopefully that will come.

    Thanks again!!
  12. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Those who dont know me, I am 40 years old and self taught. I started with a few gaming sites and then a site called tweakfiles, which MajorGeeks expands upon along with my buddy Jim, who came up with the name, etc. Was never much of a student and used to drive truck for Airborne Express for 13 years, so I always believed if I can learn it, then we can either help other people learn or assist them with their problems, so thats what were all about.

    On the side I dig fast cars, guns and boating, mainly, though most time is still spent on the computer. Married, couple of crumb crunchers, dog and a house in the burbs, pretty standard stuff.
  13. IanTheGeek

    IanTheGeek Private First Class

    Yeah, I'm a bit of a newcomer here at Major Geeks. So, My name is Ian... Obviously. :D I'm 19 Years old and I am attending DeVry University in Sacramento, CA. I am an Electronics Engineering Technology Major, with some study in business. I co-own a small clothing company with 2 of my friends: . And I work at a Golf pro-shop. So, if you have any questions about Electrical Engineering, Golf, or clothing... Feel free to ask!!

  14. jormm14

    jormm14 Private First Class

    hi my name is Gentry im a novic at all things computer's came here to learn and plain on building my first pc (gaming pc) as soon as i can afford it so in the mean time i spend my time learning as much as i can.
  15. Bold Eagle

    Bold Eagle MajorGeek

    Don't have to be a good student, I was shocking until I went back and studied at 33 something I love (Environmental Science), I wasn't the smartest but worked on building sites for years and thus knew how to work hard and applied this attitude to my studies. You have excelled here MA and I must take my hat off to you and if this was any sort of academic degree (website for geeky info) you would have excelled with bestowed Honours:)
  16. Cam&Shani

    Cam&Shani Private E-2

    Here, here!!
  17. BoredOutOfMyMind

    BoredOutOfMyMind Picabo, ICU

    Bad breath according to your avatar......


    Thanks for a great site MA!!
  18. Cam&Shani

    Cam&Shani Private E-2

    Well I can't see it anymore(why is that?), but I love your Dr Suess quote BoredOutOfMyMind.
  19. BCGray

    BCGray Guest

    Hey MA I echo all the rest, you guys have done a fantastic the way up here in the Great White North we call crumb crunchers.....Rug Rats.
  20. sibeer

    sibeer MajorGeek

    If you're saying you can't see the avatars, you may have them turned off in your "User CP".
  21. Yargwel

    Yargwel MajorGeek

    Or if you mean signatures it's in the same place. :)
  22. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Down under, we call kids, a liability or a mistake. :D
  23. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    I like nipple nibblers, but depends on the crowd.
  24. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    What's your phone number, I can pass it on to people I know? :D
  25. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    lol, I just realized how that read out of context :)
  26. RobynR

    RobynR Private E-2

    I have to agree with all of the above this is the greatest site I always know when I post a problem I will get great help I congratulate the owners on a wonderful job keep up the good work, this Granny really appreciates you. RobynR
  27. BCGray

    BCGray Guest

    Hey MA, it must have been those years behind the wheel, or maybe the strange glow from the monitor, but me thinks times are a changing………………but gasp not our MA……..Hey Bro say it isn’t so LOL:eek: :) :rolleyes:
  28. laurieB

    laurieB MajorGeek

    just to reiterate what has already been said, this is a great site. if you are a newbee don't worry about looking foolish, believe me you cant ask any dumber questions than i already have! i have had a puter now for two years and don't really know much more now than i did then, however all my problems and queries are answered with patience, respect and kindness. welcome all and much aloha from the islands.
  29. Quinn

    Quinn Private E-2

    Hi, folks, since no one's being shy I thought I'd say hello too. It's great to find such a friendly community of people interested in helping each other.
  30. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Heya Quinn!
  31. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    Just an observation but it seems that a majority of the people here are from Australia, Canada, and the UK? Whats up with that? lol And i thought the US had a lotta geeks...;)
  32. Cam&Shani

    Cam&Shani Private E-2

    Yes it was signatures,

    Well that is so very weird! Don't know how or when I did that, but thanks. All better now.

    Smiles! :D

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