extra hdd

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by eric06, Sep 4, 2004.

  1. eric06

    eric06 Sergeant Major

    hey guys, i have a extra hard drive sitting in an old ibm computer and i was wondering if someone could tell me if it is possible to hook that old hardrive up as a slave and format it so i can fill it up with my music collection?

  2. ASUS

    ASUS MajorGeek

    Yes you can.
  3. eric06

    eric06 Sergeant Major

    ok so i make it a slave, then will it show up as my next drive or will it be part of c:? will it say found new hardware?

  4. BeerMonkey

    BeerMonkey Master Sergeant

    Have you checked the jumper setting?
    If you have.
    The HDD will need to be formated.
    START-RUN-TYPE - diskmgmt.msc
    Format the slave drive from there.
  5. eric06

    eric06 Sergeant Major

    ok thanks guys.

  6. mozzar

    mozzar Private E-2

    you can install the HDD into the new computer i just installed an external HDD and you will need to format the HDD and manage it by going to the desktop and right clicking on my computer and then manage. select the new drive that is there and click format. then restart your computer and you will be able to read and use the HDD.
  7. Rob M.

    Rob M. First Sergeant

    I'll assume that you have a single partition on your current hard drive [i.e., C: ] and that you will put a single partition on your secondary drive. It will come up as D:. If your CD-ROM was D:, it will come up as E:.

    If you have software installed on your system that looks for your CD-ROM drive, it's going to get confused. You'll need a drive-mapper utility that will make the necessary changes in the Registry and any batch files that call for files on the CD-ROM.

    Maxtor used to supply such a utility with their retail-box hard drives. Maybe they still do. Maybe you can get a copy from Maxtor's website. I've never used a drive-mapper, so ask someone else what the problems are -- if any.

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