Hal.dll file

Discussion in 'Software' started by h1p, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    This will need further investigation, there's no point trying to continue if the drive could fail at any time or it's constantly having sectors go bad.

    Can you revisit #33 please, create a new attachment of your Disk management and expand the Status column so that we can see all the text.

    Ndis.sys of 182,656 bytes should be SP3, so C: (182,912 bytes) should be dated 8/14/2002 and is SP2, yes?

    This means that the 5 files that have been replaced so far must be removed and replaced with the correct versions for SP3. That's hal.dll, lsass.exe, csrss.exe, winlogon.exe and explorer.exe, yes?

    msgina.dll should be added to the list as it's next in sequence. Anyone have SP3?
  2. h1p

    h1p Private E-2

  3. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Not quite, it's the Status column in the upper pane that needs expanding, there's a lot of hidden detail there that might have a bearing on the problem.
  4. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    I've just pulled those files into a temp folder from an XP SP3 i386 folder. Where do you want them sent?
  5. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Thanks Earthling :) , that should help us rule out some variables. Just zip and upload them to an easily accessible filesharing site, I guess. H1p can then download them from the link you provide.

    H1p, the reason we need to see the Status details is that this is a Dell, they've used a couple of very non-standard methods to access the diags and/or recovery partition; using standard tools like fixmbr/fixboot can make tracking down and fixing problems exceptionally difficult. And I see a disproportionate amount of Dell owners have requested help with the same error as you.
  6. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

  7. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

  8. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    I'm sorry about that satrow. I accidentally deleted it, but I will put it up again. :-o
  9. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    Should be OK now.
  10. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    @H1p - pls let me know when you have d/loaded as I don't want to leave it there.
  11. h1p

    h1p Private E-2

  12. h1p

    h1p Private E-2

    Saved the files, thank you..now where do they go?
  13. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Ok, that's still showing less than I expected it to, It's late here now, I'll try to check that it's the expected layout/details for your drives tomorrow.

    The files:
    Explorer - to E:\Windows\.
    Hal.dll, lsass.exe, csrss.exe and winlogon.exe - to E:\Windows\System32\ - I think msgina.dll too (I don't have access to XP atm).

    Bottom line; if you're NOT asked to overwrite on a file paste, it's probably going to the wrong folder, check with Explorer where the correct file location is.

    @Earthling: I think you're safe to remove that zip now, 2 of us have them. Thanks again :)
  14. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    The file locations are all correct
  15. h1p

    h1p Private E-2

    Sorry I never came back, the whole thing crapped on me screwing up my other hard drive on my (once) working computer >:eek:
  16. h1p

    h1p Private E-2

    I think i'm just going to make a firepit tonight and throw that hard drive in it, then figure out MY OWN computers issues, grrr!!
  17. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I did wonder what had happened to you ...

    It happens to almost all of us at some time or another; make a pot of tea ;) then start a new thread about the problems with your own computer.

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