Hello all.

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by banjosix, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. banjosix

    banjosix Private E-2

    Heya, I'm the guy no one could help. No hard feelings though, I figured it out on my own. Guess I did, break the rules a bit by posting to my own thread.

    I like this site well enough, and realise your all doing it out of the goodness of you hearts... Or pure unadulerated anger for malware and viruses, go figure. So, hello all!

    So, any good advice on a good fee antivirus? I'm sick of Norton now, lotta money for somthing that only half works.
  2. banjosix

    banjosix Private E-2

    Oh, now that I'm able to do what your sticky say, should I follow it and post the logs? Everything is working fine now, but lets face it - I could have easly missed somthing.
  3. silas

    silas MajorGeek

  4. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    :hyper Welcome banjosix
    I don't know if you're referring to the READ AND RUN ME FIRST(http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=35407) section, but if you are, my opinion would be to run it just to make absolute sure that you are clean. But that's just my opinion. Someone with the know how will advise you on what you should do.

    "I like this site well enough, and realize your all doing it out of the goodness of you hearts... Or pure unadulterated anger for malware and viruses, go figure. So, hello all!"

    I haven't found a better place yet, but then I haven't really wondered to far from here since I came:-D and you are absolutely correct on both parts. They put their all into this forum and that's not easy for the lot of them who have jobs,families, school, and those with school and jobs. They are a great bunch here.

    I personally have used AVAST, AVG, AND AVIRA. Avast and Avg are both good but Avast takes up more space.
    Enjoy the rest of the forum. It's the best place to be.
  5. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    :wave Welcome to the MG forums, banjosix. I have used AVG 8.5 (previously 8.0) from the beginning and have had no problems with it at all (touch wood). Maybe I've been lucky, maybe not.
    I trust it, it's kept me clean.
  6. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
    The malware team work the threads oldest first, so posting in your own thread moved it to the back of the line.
    Just wait a while and your thread will get answered.
  7. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Hi and welcome :)

    excerpt from your post in malware removal:

    I have to reiterate what Wildwolf220 already explained to you above. We work threads on an oldest to newest basis, that means depending on how busy it is, we could today be working threads from 3 or 4 days ago... maybe more.

    Everyone is in a queue - and I must also point you to this sticky below:

    Don't Bump! It Only Hurts You!!!

    I understand that you are having difficulties running the tools, however I noticed you did say:
    So you should have attached the log from running that into your thread.

    So do you not have the log from running this? Retrievable at: C:\Combofix.txt

    You're referring to MGTools.exe. This does indeed have Hijackthis embedded into it. You say you could not get this to run? (If you could/can get it to run, then it's log is retrievable at: C:\mglogs.zip)

    Do not add any more replies to your thread in malware now as it will delay you getting assistance. Unless it is to attach the logs that you DO have. Just be patient and rest assured somebody WILL get to you. We are busy working older threads, and we volunteer our own free time to helping people such as yourselves. Your turn will indeed crop up in the queue. :)
  8. banjosix

    banjosix Private E-2

    Thanks for the for the help guys, and the hellos. I'll get the new logs up ASAP. Like I said, I can now get the Read me sticky to work for me. So I'll do what I can. My computer don't look clean, but it "acts" clean. Computers though, right. Svchost.exe has 12 prosses, so I'll be here for a bit. Anyway no more advice in this thread! It's my hello thread, not my problem thread. :p Thanks.
  9. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    @ Gossioii7 - A warm welcome to the forums :)
  10. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Re: A wonderful article

    :hyper Welcome Gossioii7;:wave I would say that you have never been to MajorGeeks before because they are ALL That Plus+++. If you haven't already , take a look around. You will find more "selfless helpers. They are a great group of people here. It can get a little :eek crazy and hairy here at times but that's part of what makes this place so great. So welcome and great having you here.:wave
  11. Staghart

    Staghart Private E-2

    Yo banjo...Staghart here. I just wanted to add an "Amen" or whatever (I'm not an Xtian if ye be worred about such) to your comment on Norton/Symantec or Symantec/Norton (& by the way, I mean what's with that? I mean who owns what...or whom? Which is the holding Co. I guess they do it that way so there's no one to blame for the ridiculouw online help they offer. Good luck finding anything from that source.

    And as regards submiting questions to them -- *IF* you can get that far or deep into their bowels...well I'm not predjudiced, truly, but one *is* submitting ?s to effin' New Delhi or someplace. The answers just don't fly that far apparently.

    One last thing...& sorry, it's not an answer to your query. (Call me Norton.) My wife went out & bought Norton 360. DON'T venture there. First of all she was sold Version 2 when the current version is 3. Then I find my ol'e pal NIS won't uninstall. Lastly it's like 3 nights of watching the current updates install. Round & round it goes, hour upon hour upon...like that.

    So. Keep looking my friend--Oh! & if you get a better option pleeeeeze let me know what it is willya? Thank ya.

    At yer service
  12. Staghart

    Staghart Private E-2

    Yo banjo...Staghart here. I just wanted to add an "Amen" or whatever (I'm not an Xtian if ye be worred about such) to your comment on Norton/Symantec or Symantec/Norton (& by the way, I mean what's with that? I mean who owns what...or whom? Which is the holding Co. I guess they do it that way so there's no one to blame for the ridiculouw online help they offer. Good luck finding anything from that source.

    And as regards submiting questions to them -- *IF* you can get that far or deep into their bowels...well I'm not predjudiced, truly, but one *is* submitting ?s to effin' New Delhi or someplace. The answers just don't fly that far apparently.

    One last thing...& sorry, it's not an answer to your query. (Call me Norton.) My wife went out & bought Norton 360. DON'T venture there. First of all she was sold Version 2 when the current version is 3. Then I find my ol'e pal NIS won't uninstall. Lastly it's like 3 nights of watching the current updates install. Round & round it goes, hour upon hour upon...like that.

    So. Keep looking my friend--Oh! & if you get a better option pleeeeeze let me know what it is willya? Thank ya. Hmmm...looking back I see this was by no means a "quick reply." Neither timely *nor* in brevity. You will, I hope, 4 give me. It seems my fingers get to moving & I can't shut them up. Well...

    I remain, Staghart@wizwire.com

    At yer service

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